- 20 - | Spoons + Waffles

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- J O H N N Y -

"Okay, then." I say. I then crawl into bed behind Kenz, placing my arm over her waist, as she has her back to me. We both fall asleep, spooning.

I woke up to the quiet noise of an alarm. Wait. What alarm? I turn over to check the time on my phone. 08:00. Why so early? Where's this alarm coming from? I turn back over to try and go back asleep, at the same time Kenz turns to face me and snuggles into my chest. I glance over her and see her phone lit up with the words "Tour stuff alarm". I lean over and turn it off. I gently shake Kenzie's shoulder to wake her up.

"Wake up, little spoon." I whisper.

"Go awayyyyy." She complains.

"And I am not a spoon." She says, with a fake stubborn look on her face.

"What 'tour stuff' is booked for today?" I ask.

"For you, nothing. For me, I'm meeting Rumer at her studio at 9am, with maddie and Lauren. Then Darian is coming to take some 'behind the scenes' style shots." She answers.

"Oh, can I come?" I ask, considering I have nothing to do.

"Yeah, sure." She says, beaming at me, as I give her a quick kiss on her nose. She rolls over to grab her phone.

"Shitttttttt. Shit. Shit. Shit." She says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"It's 08:13, it takes 20 minutes get to the studio, I need get ready and I need wake the girls up." She says, panicking.

"Shhhh, it's alright, I'll go wake the girls up whilst you get ready, then once I've woke them up, I'll send them in to get ready with you and I'll make you all breakfast." I say, whilst stroking her hair.

"Thank you so much, but you really don't have to." She says.

"Nope, I'm doing it, end of conversation." I say, smirking at her.

"Ugh, fine then." She says, as I start to get out of bed. She curls back up into her bed.

"Kz, it's 08:17, get out of bed you lazy little shit." I say.

"Oh no." She says then jumps out of bed and runs into the bathroom.

- M A C K E N Z I E -

"For you, nothing. For me, I'm meeting Rumer at her studio at 9am, with maddie and Lauren. Then Darian is coming to take some 'behind the scenes' style shots." I explain.

"Oh, can I come?" Johnny asks.

"Yeah, sure." I say, beaming at him, as he gives me a quick kiss on my nose. I roll over to grab my phone.

"Shitttttttt. Shit. Shit. Shit." I says.

"What's up?" He asks.

"It's 08:13, it takes 20 minutes get to the studio, I need get ready and I need wake the girls up." I say, starting to panic.

"Shhhh, it's alright, I'll go wake the girls up whilst you get ready, then once I've woke them up, I'll send them in to get ready with you and I'll make you all breakfast." He says, whilst stroking my hair.

"Thank you so much, but you really don't have to." I say.

"Nope, I'm doing it, end of conversation." He says, smirking at me.

"Ugh, fine then." I say, as he starts to get out of bed. I curl back up into my bed.

"Kz, it's 08:17, get out of bed you lazy little shit." He says.

"Oh no." I say then jump out of bed and run into the bathroom to start and get ready. I hear my bedroom door open then close. I really do love Johnny. I decide to wash, cleanse and moisturise my face, until I hear my door open and close again.

"Johnny?" I shout curiously.

"Wrong Orlando." I hear Lauren shout back.

"Sorryyyyy." I say.

"It's alright." She says back. I walk out the bathroom and into her, to find Maddie (Z) and darian standing with her. Maddie and Lauren are in there dance clothes and Darian's in her usual ripped jeans and t-shirt combo.

"Hey sorry, I didn't know you two were hear too." I say.

"It's alright, now hurry up and get ready, it's 08:26." She says, pulling her phone out midway to check the time. I quickly grab some black leggings, a grey t-shirt and my trainers specifically for dancing. I get changed in front of the girls as it's normal, and we're all used to it. I shove my hair up into a high ponytail and start to leave my room.

"Come on, girls." I say and they all follow me down to the smell of pancakes and waffles. We all walk into the kitchen to 3 plates of pancakes and 2 plates of waffles. Johnny hands the girls a plate of pancakes each and passes me a plate of waffles.

"You 3 all prefer pancakes over waffles in the morning, I think anyway." He says to Darian, Lauren and Maddie.

"And you prefer waffles over pancakes like me." He says to me.

"Thank you." I say.

"I even added the chocolate sauce and whipped cream for you, how you like 'em." He says whilst winking at me. This boy is unbelievable, cute though.

"Guys stop flirting, we need to go soon." Lauren interrupts. I look at the girls plates to see half there pancakes gone. Me and Johnny haven't even started, we quickly tuck in and finish our waffles just as the girls finish their pancakes. Maddie writes a quick note to remind mum and Mer where we've gone, then she grabs her car keys and we all head to the car. I call shotgun meaning I get to sit in the front and control over the aux cable. I check my phone as I plug it in. 08:34. Plenty of time for traffic. We all sing ridiculously to the songs I put on. I put one of John's favourite songs on. In my feelings by Drake. I know he loves this song. We pull up and park the car at the front of the studio, as normal. The song finishes just as the engine turns off. We walk in at 08:59. Just on time. We start off by warming up by doing improv to 'I like it' by Cardi B.

[1069 words]

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