- 12 - | Worries + Bracelets

897 20 1

- J O H N N Y -

I wake up with my arm wrapped around someone's waist. Shit. Did I break the thing with Lauren. I open my eyes to see its Kenz sleeping peacefully. Then the memories come flooding back. Thank god we did nothing. Well I wouldn't have minded but I'll wait until Kenz is ready for that kinda stuff and even if she wants to do that with me. Anyway I'm getting distracted. I feel slight movement under my arm and I realise Kenz is trying move. Nope not happening. I pretend to be asleep and pull her back into my chest like a teddybear and hold on tighter so she can't move.

"Johnnnnn." She whines.

"Kenzzzzzz." I whine back imitating her.

"I need to go walk the dogs." She says trying to move.

"Why? Let me come." I say not wanting to leave her.

"You can't come you need to speak to the girls. So let me go." She pleads. My grip tightens then I realise what I need to speak to the girls about. So I loosen my grip and she climbs out of bed. She brushes her hair then walks out and I hear her shout all the dogs names then I hear the patio doors shut. Now I need to speak to the girls. I barge into the girls room and they all look at me like I'm demented. Oh well.

"Can I speak to you?" I ask.

"Um yeah okay. Where's Kenz? Does she not need to be here?"

"No and can u facetime Maddie because I need to speak to her too."

"Okay?" Darian takes her laptop off charge and facetimes Maddie(Orlando), luckily she answers straight away.

"It's about that thing I agreed to last summer." I say.

"Johnny! You failed it didn't you, that's it your not going anywhere near Kenzie." Lauren starts to shout.

"No I didn't fail, I succeeded and well Kenz asked what we were like relationship wise and I said I didn't know, so then she asked if I had feelings for her and I said yes and explained everything. She has feelings for me too and I came to ask if I can take her on a date because I didn't fail the task." I say rambling because I'm nervous.

"Yes of course you can you passed the task, but the threat still stands if you break her heart." They all shout, quite excited.

"Thank you, where should I take her and what should I wear an-" I start rambling again before they cut me off.

"John calm down." Lauren says.

"Kenzie doesn't like anything posh like fancy restaurants so erm." Maddie(Ziegler) starts.

"I know, Plan a picnic at the beach and take her there, she'd love that." Maddie(Orlando) suggests.

"Yeah your right okay I'll do that then." I say agreeing.

"Yeah Kenzie would love that." Maddie(Ziegler) says.

"Don't forget to order a pizza for her." Lauren adds as she knows that's her favourite food.

"Obviously." I say chuckling.

"I'm going have to go now guys but good luck on your date Johnny, Byeeeeee." Maddie(Orlando) says before ending the call.

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