- 15 - | Hands + Stories

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- M A C K E N Z I E -

Me and Johnny walk back to the villa, holding hands. When we walk in, Maddie, Laur and Darian all stare at our intertwined hands. I quickly tug my hand away, and already miss his touch.

"Erm, what happened?" They all asked on the edge of there seats. Literally.

"What'd you mean?" We both ask.

"Well are you dating or not?" Maddie asked looking at us eagerly.

"Um, no" we both said. The girls look distraught.

"But - hands - John likes Kenz - Kenz likes John - love - tour - music - sleep - oh I don't know you two confuse me." Lauren said, flustered.

"You two are confusing and complicated, I'm just gonna leave you to it, and let you carry on." Darian says, sighing, clearly bored of mine and Johnny's 'relationship'.

"I'm going to go bed, according to mum and Mel we've got a long day tomorrow, but I don't know." Johnny says mainly to me before lightly pecking me on the cheek, causing me to blush.

"Okay, see you in the morning, I'm gonna sit with the girls for a bit" I said.

"Okay." Johnny replies and starts walking to his room down the hall.

"So, what happened?" They all whispered.

"Erm, well we had the picnic, that you all helped to plan, then we went and got ice cream." I said.

"Is that it?" They all ask, smirking.

"Oh yeah, no, guess who works at the ice cream place we went to."

"Who?" Darian questions.

"Sophia." I say, trying not to laugh, remembering what happened.

"Sophia. Sophia Rose. As in the Sophia that Johnny broke up with for you?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah." I answer, smiling.

"Oh god, what happened?" Maddie asks.

"Well we went in and she clearly recognised us as her smile changed to a scowl. She said 'Hi, Welcome to Boho Gelato, what can I get for you?' to Johnny, completely ignoring me, through gritted teeth, while glaring at me and Johnny must've of noticed because he answered with 'Please can I have a large strawberry ice cream, and she'll have have a large cookie dough ice cream, that is what you want right, babe?' Then ended it with babe, so I played along saying 'Erm, yes please, babe.' Then she grabbed two large tubs and walked over to where the ice cream is. Then she started muttering 'He never called me babe, I was lucky if he called me Soph. And that was on a good day.' under her breath as she did it. Then she grabbed two plastic spoons and violently stuck one in each tub. Then she said 'That'll be €9.59, please.' through gritted teeth again. And Johnny answered with 'Don't ex boyfriends get a discount.' Whilst chuckling, and handing the money over. And you could tell that hit a nerve. 'Take the ice cream and go.' She near enough squealed at us. And honestly it was hilarious." I explained. All the girls burst out laughing.

"That's amazing!" All the girls squealed.

"I know!"

"Girls! Go to sleep please, you've got a long day tomorrow." Mum and Mer shout.

"Okay!" We all shout back.

[573 words]


(I know 900 reads isn't that many, but it is to me because this is my first story and I dint expect it to be very good. So THANK YOU!)

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