- 3 - | Smiles + Shorts

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- M A C K E N Z I E -

This time spent with Johnny was amazing. He helped bring my smile back quickly, he fully understood what I was going through, as he went through the exact same thing so knew the amount of pain I felt. We walked back to the villa, It had become quite late now and was cold. Me with a small crop top on and denim shorts was freezing. Johnny soon noticed and took off his thrasher hoodie and passed it to me. I refused but he insisted so I took it. It smelt amazing. He's not getting this back anytime soon. He slipped his denim jacket on back over his t-shirt. After I took the hoodie.

"You aren't getting this hoodie back you know." I giggle to him.

"Its alright, keep it baby girl." He replies, I smile widely at the new nickname he's given me.

- J O H N N Y -

Me and Kenz were walking back to the villa when I noticed she was shivering. I'm such an idiot of course she'd be cold, she's only in a small crop top and shorts. At night it's freezing in Greece. I quickly take off my denim jacket and thrasher hoodie handing her the hoodie. She refused at first but I insisted so she soon took it. After she had put the hoodie on I slipped my denim jacket back on over my t-shirt.

"You aren't getting this hoodie back you know." She giggles to me.

"Its alright, keep it baby girl." I reply. Shit! I've done it again, I called her baby girl. Again.

She just smiled at me widely, her eyes twinkling in the moonlight. God she was perfect. Shut up Orlando. I was falling fast. And hard.

We quickly made it back to the villa my hand still wrapped around Kenzie's waist. We walked through the patio doors to find that Mum and Melissa had already gone to bed. Laur, Darian and Maddie were curled up on the sofa with popcorn watching It. As they were watching a horror movie when we opened the patio doors that made a slight noise and they literally jumped off the sofa. Oops. It was an amusing sight though, not gonna lie. Then the weirdest thing happens. Maddie, Darian and Lauren realise it's us and wiggle their eyebrows at Kenz causing her to blush a deep pink. What's up with them? Weird. Maybe Kenzie feels the same way? No, it can't be. It was just the girls being weird as usual. As it was pretty late I hugged Kenz and told the girls I was going bed as I was tired. After I had left I heard Maddie, Darian and Laur shout.

"Spill!" They near enough screamed.

"Spill what?" Kenz replies her voice laced with confusion.

"Don't play dumb Kenzie." The girls chuckled.

"Okay, fine I'll spill." Kenz sighs reluctantly.

That was the last I heard before I drifted into a deep slumber. Spill what exactly? Girls are so confusing. Ughhhh.

- M A C K E N Z I E -

"Okay, fine I'll spill." I sigh reluctantly as the girls question Johnny's arm around my waist and me wearing his hoodie.

"What happened then?" They ask eagerly, this is why I'm best friends with them.

"Well you girls were chasing me and I stopped at the kitchen when I saw Johnny and explained what was going on. Then I saw you two coming after me so I ran out the patio doors before you could find me and I got a text from Johnny saying 'I'll distract them for you, run to the beach and hide' so I did exactly that, I ran to the beach and sat under a tree. Then I guess my thoughts just took over and before I knew it I was sobbing about dad and that's when Johnny found me after distracting you lot. He wrapped his arms around me making me feel safe and protected and sat there and let me let it all out and cry onto his chest, I feel kinda bad now I bet I left him all wet and snotty. I felt like he completely understood me, well he did he's been through the exact same as all of us and stayed strong the whole time. I hope he's actually alright. Anyway when we were walking back I was freezing and he must of noticed because he took his hoodie and denim jacket off offering me the hoodie, I refused at first but he insisted, so I put the hoodie on as he slipped the denim jacket back on over his t-shirt. He then wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer which I assume was to keep me warm."

"Awhhhh!" All 3 of the girls gasped at the same time and shared a look, Again. They've been doing this a lot recently. Do they know something I don't? I blush a deep shade of pink at their reaction.

"And he called me baby girl twice." I mutter instantly regretting bringing it up and hoping they didn't hear it, but who am I kidding of course they heard it. Ughhhh.

"Oooooh!" They say, sharing a look. Again.

"It doesn't matter though because he probably only said it in a friend way." I quickly say.

"I doubt it Kenz." The 3 say sharing a look. Once again.

We all decide its time we go to bed and decide to change into some comfy clothes and have a movie marathon; Pitch perfect my favourite. I changed into black Nike sweats and a grey Calvin Klein sports bra, Maddie changes into Black Adidas sweats and a navy blue Tommy Hilfiger sports bra, Lauren changes into grey Nike sweats and a black Nike sports bra and Darian changes into navy blue Tommy Hilfiger sweats and a black Adidas sports bra. All 3 of the girls quickly drift off to sleep. Not me though. Which leaves me with one thing on my mind. Well actually 2 things. Tour and Johnny. The Day and Night tour was amazing with Johnny and all the special guests. I miss tour, singing and dancing are the only thinks that make me feel like I'm in my element and make all my worries and problems rush away. Even if it was just for a couple of minutes it was still amazing. I'll speak to Johnny in the morning to see how he feels about another tour some time soon, I hope he's up to it and if he is we'll speak to our parents and management and organise one. Even its just a small one.

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