- 29 - | Papers + Ideas

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- J O H N N Y -

We spoke to Melissa about the plan and she was all for it. Right now, her and Kenz are out shopping for baking ingredients. It went a little something like this ;

Whilst Kenz was sleeping we decided to talk to Mum and Mel.

"Mum! Mummy Mel!" I shouted. Right before I felt 4 hands slap the back of my head. Hard.

"Ouch!" I hiss, rubbing the back of my head.

"Don't shout so loud, you prick." Lauren whispers.

"Why not?" I ask, at a normal tone.

"Because you're going to wake Kenz up, Jerk." Maddie z whispers.

"Shit." I whisper back.

"Yeah." Darian whispers in a 'duh' tone.

"Johnny, Lauren, watch your language." Mum said.

"And Johnny, why are you shouting so loud, Kenz is trying to sleep." Mel says, kinda half joking, half not.

"Basically, Johnny wants to ask Mackenzie out, but to plan it we need her out of the house and away from the first venue they performed at so we need you to get Mackenzie out of the way." Maddie o says, all in one breath.

"Sure, we can do that." Mum and Mel say together.

"Thank you!" I shout.

"Johnny!" All of them whisper shout. After, that Mum and Mel left to do some chores. Maddie z, Maddie o, Lauren and Darian had properly planed everything out. When I asked to see plans I expected 1 small piece of paper. Well no. I got multiple massive pieces of paper. They had drawn out the venue and everything. But I have to say. I'm extremely happy with the plans. ;

"Kenz! Come on, love. We've gotta go!" Mel shouts up the stairs. Part 1 in action.

"Ugh! Coming!" She shouts back and runs down the stairs.

"Right, mum I'm here." Kenz says.

"Good, let's go." Mel says grabbing her keys.

"Why aren't they coming?" She asks.

"Mer has plans for Maddie o, Darian, Lauren and Johnny." Mel explains.

"What about Maddie z?" She asks.

"She has dance, meaning when we get back we'll have the house to ourselves." Mel says, beaming.

"Now let's go." She adds.

"Ugh, bye guys." Kenz says, complaining whilst waving at us. Kenz and Mel were gone. Part 1. Finished. Me and the girls ran upstairs to grab the boxes of fairy lights and other decorations. Part 2 in action. We filled the car and headed to the first venue. This was gonna be perfect!

[451 words]

Shitty chapter! Extremely short! Filler! Next chapter is the last! Well then the epilogue! But after that it's the end😢!

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