- 19 - | Books + Explanations

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💘|p.s I'm writing another Jenzie story but it's set around now. Where as this one's set around the tour from last year, but I'm not publishing it until I've finished this one.|🌊

- J O H N N Y -

10 hours and 54 minutes with these two. At least I aren't stuck in the middle. As soon as we set off Kenz pulls out a book and Laur puts her earphones in. Maybe it won't be so long. I must of fell asleep because next thing I knew someone was shaking my head. I woke up with my head on kenzie's shoulder. I moved my head to get comfy again and felt something wet. I sat straight up and looked at Kenzie's shoulder. That was a massive wet patch. For God's sake. I turn to look at kenz before apologising. She raises an eyebrow and I can tell she's trying not to laugh.

"Sorryyyyyy." I say, looking at her apologetically.

"It's okay." She says and bursts out laughing.

"How long left of the flight?" I ask curiously.

"4 or 5 hours." She says.

"So I've been drooling on your shoulder for 6 or 7 hours?" I say my face going red.

"No, you only started 4 or 5 hours ago." she says giggling.

"Oh, seriously though I'm sorry." I say then burst out laughing at the whole situation. Kenz starts laughing too. Then I notice the closed book on the tray, with no folded pages, meaning she's finished the book.

"Good book?" I question.

"Yeah it was amazing, it was so cute." She replies.

"What was it about?" I ask, trying to kinda make up for the drooling.

"It's called love and gelato. And well there was this 16 year old girl, who's mum died from cancer. But the mum went to Venice in Italy when she was in college and fell in love with this guy, who is her daughter's dad. But her mum became pregnant, with her obviously, but left the father without him knowing and moved back to England because she panicked. But when she died her daughter had to move to Italy to live with her dad who she's never met before, because her grandma though it was the best option, as it was a choice to get to know her father. Her dad lives in a house in a graveyard though so it's really creepy. But she meets this boy who lives in a house on the hills behind the graveyard when she was out for a run. And basically her and the boy she meets fall in love then live happily ever after." Kenz explains really briefly.

"Sounds good, kz." I say, actually interested, even though it's not my kind of book to read.

"It really is." She grins causing me to grin back at her.

"Any more books in that bag, Princess." I ask.

"Yep, we're going to be busy for the next couple of months, so, I'm trying to get as much reading in as possible, as I really miss reading." She explains, looking quite miserable.

"On the tour there will be a lot of flights, so get buying books, baby girl." I exclaim.

"Oh yeah, good idea, Johnny boy." She answers.

"Always full of good ideas, me" I say, boasting jokingly.

"Sure you are, Orlando." She says, smirking. She leans down to grab her bag. She shoves the book back into her bag and pulls another one out called 'the beginning of me and you'.

"Do you think you can finish this book before the end of the flight?" I question, knowing the answer. Yes, she can.

"I mean probably, if you stop distracting me, pretty boy." She says half joking, half being serious.

"Pretty boy. Never been called that before. Do you actually think I'm pretty?" I question, joking.

"Nope, as ugly as a rat." She says, joking.

"Don't be mean kz." I say, pouting.

"You know I'm only joking, Vincent, but let me read my book." She says.

"What am I supposed to do?" I ask, sarcastically.

"I don't know, go back to drooling on my shoulder if you have to." She says, slowly starting to become irritated.

"Okay, sorry kenz." I say, genuinely apologising.

"It's okay." She says, smiling at me. I decide to put my head back on her shoulder and try to sleep, so, I don't disturb her again. I clearly drifted off to sleep again, as I felt kenz shaking me, trying to wake me up again. I open my eyes and lift my head off of her shoulder.

"Hey." She says softly.

"Hey, how long left?" I ask.

"Roughly 5 minutes before landing." She says. I spot that she's finished her second book. Honestly this girl is unbelievable.

"Okay, good book?" I ask.

"Yeah, it was amazing." She answers, grinning.

"Explain the plot?" I ask.

"Sure, well it starts with this girl, who's boyfriend died in a swimming accident. And since then she's kind of closed herself off from the world. It also leaves her terrified of swimming. After so long she decides that she needs to get her life back. So she creates a list - to swim, join a school club and get a boyfriend preferably the boy she's recently been crushing on. But the her crush's cousin moves to their school and she joins a trivia club with him, the they compete as a team with other schools. She slowly starts falling in love with the cousin but doesn't want to admit it, then her 'crush' falls for her best friend. But she's fell for his cousin without realising. Her and his cousin, become boyfriend and girlfriend, he also helps her to swim, and gets rid of her fear for it. She achieves all the things on her list and they live happily ever after." She explains, in rapid speed.

"Love how both of your explanations end in 'and they live happily ever after'." I say whilst chuckling.

"Hey, that's how they end." She says, seeming quite happy with herself. After a minute the seat belt sign flashes, signalling were about to land. The plane lands with a bump, and we all start to leave the plane. We claim our luggage when we get into the airport, then wait for a taxi. I check the time on my phone. 23:17. I can't wait to get home and just sleep. Kenzie's house is closer to the airport than ours so we all decide to just crash there. Lauren says she wants to sleep in the spare room, so she crashes there. Darian goes with maddie and I'm with Kenz. I grab pillow and a blanket and start to make a bed on the floor, to sleep on for the night.

"John?" She says.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"What're you doing?" She asks.

"Getting comfortable so I can sleep, why?" I say, confused.

"You can come get in my bed, you idiot." She says.

"Oh okay, I'm alright down here though." I say.

"John, just get in bed." She says.

"Okay, then." I say. I then crawl into bed behind Kenz, placing my arm over her waist, as she has her back to me. We both fall asleep, spooning.

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