- 6 - | Restaurants + Trainers

964 21 1

- M A C K E N Z I E -

We all started walking down to the restaurant for a meal as it wasn't that far away. Mum wasn't very happy that I had decided to wear my white vans with my dress but oh well. They are comfortable.

"I said you had to dress nice Mackenzie." My mum said slightly irritated.

"Oh well and Johnny's wearing trainers." I whine back.

"Well Johnny's a lad." Johnny stood their holding in a laugh at my mum's comment. I give up as I'm tired from football earlier.

"Fine mum you win, but I'm not changing them."

"Fine leave them on then."

"I am, was all along."

Johnny, Maddie, Darian and Lauren slightly snickering at mine and my mum's argument.

"Plus I can't walk in heels." I say causing Johnny to chuckle. We quickly approached the restaurant and walked to the person at the door who takes us to our reserved table. On the table, Mum sat one end and Mer sat the other end, then Laur, Darian and Maddie sat one side and me and Johnny sat on the other side opposite them. They planned that out, oh well I don't mind. We sat their all staring at the menus not knowing what to order. When the waiter came Mum and Mer ordered Greek salads, Maddie ordered a caesar salad, Lauren and Darian ordered pizza (No surprise there), I ordered a Chicken burger and fries and Johnny ordered a normal burger and fries. How classy are me, Lauren, Darian and Johnny
The food comes quite rapidly to be honest, so we all eat our food and once we've finished, we order desert. Mum and Mer ordered apple crumble and custard and Me, Johnny, Lauren, Darian and Maddie all order Chocolate fudge cake with chocolate fudge sauce. Me and Johnny order ours with cream too.

"You two are so weird I swear." Maddie, Darian and Lauren all say to me and Johnny because we ordered our desert with cream.

"You 3 are the weird ones, ordering without cream." Me and Johnny both say at the same time.

"Awhhhh, Jenzie are the cutest." Lauren, Darian and maddie giggle.

"What's a Jenzie?" Mum and Mer ask. Oh no. This isn't going to end well.

"Erm - it's a - um - a panda, a new panda breed." Johnny stutters out. Wow good save Johnny.

"Yep that's it." I agree.

"No it isn't." Maddie says.

"It's a ship name for Johnny and Kenzie." Lauren explains.

"What's a ship name?" Mum and Mer ask.

"It's where you but two people's names together because they'd make a cute couple." Maddie explains.

"So Johnny plus Kenzie equals Jenzie." Darian says.

"Ohhhhh, I like it." Mum and Mer say.

"You would be a cute couple to be honest." Mum and Mer add on.

"Mummmmm." Me and Johnny both say at the same time.

"Awhhhh Jenzie." Mum and Mer both exclaim.

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