8 - A Kiss

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I don't remember falling asleep, but I wake up in clean clothes and in the attic  -  alone.

I sit up and the room spins. A shadow moves towards me and I scramble backwards, only to hit the wall. A familiar, dark, evil cackle fills the room. My fear doesn't leave me as I realize that it is Habit, not Evan or Vinny. He, for once, has no video camera.

"Wh - what do you want?" I ask, thinking about Jeff.

"You," Habit replies.

"Why me?" I ask for the umpteenth time.

"Why you? Haha haha! Why not you? Y/n, I came here to bare my soul to you. Hence why Vin and the cameras are not here to watch. I don't need Stick In The Mud to come after you again, now do I?"


He sighs. "Yes, again! Jesus Christ, you're not the brightest crayon in the box sometimes."

I try to ignore what he just said.

"So that's why I don't remember going to sleep?"

"Yes. He came after the three of us while I let Evan out to play for a little while," he answers. "But enough about the Stick. I don't want to talk about him when I've got much more important things to talk about."

He takes my hand. I feel the heat from his hardened flesh, the calluses from constantly playing with knives. He has the hands of a worker, not a killer. He looks up at me, meeting my gaze. Habit is quiet for once, and he gently touches my hair, stroking down the length of it.

Despite myself, I feel heat inside me. That kind that betrays how you really feel, the kind I never thought I'd ever feel. Aside from books, this is the closest I've gotten to feeling this way. I can't remember the last time I felt so good.

"Y/ n," he whispers, his voice husky.


"I just want you."

He grabs a fist full of my hair and leans my head back, then proceeds to kiss me on the neck. Repeatedly. I can't hold back the moan that escapes me. He chuckles.

Habit then bites my neck gently, tentatively, and brings his mouth up to my face.

Then he kisses me on the lips and gently bites my lip, and then kisses me fiercely, like I've never been kissed before. His tongue explores my mouth greedily and he then pulls back from me. My body aches to have his against it, and I want to tell him that.

"I had to do that," he says softly.

"I'm glad," I chuckle. "That was ... fun."

"Really?" He looks excited, but not in a bad way.

I nod. "Yeah. I think it's obvious now that I have a massive crush on you."

Habit smiles. "Come on. I want to show you something."

A/N: Please please please don't tell me I fucked up Habit. I am doing my best with this but it isn't as easy as it may look. I'm trying my best to be as accurate as possible with Habit (I even started rewatching EMH Explained by Night Mind), but he's so erratic that it's hard to do.

Hopefully I didn't disappoint you guys with the latest chapter.

Anyways, love you, peace out, bitches!

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