54 - Selfish?

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I drive. I don't know where I'm going or where I am, but I find I just don't care. I'm crying too hard and am too emotional. I just need to get the hell away from there.

Finally, the pain overwhelms me and I stomp on the brakes and pull over. I let the tears fall down.

How could he say all that to me? How could Vinny go from being there for me and supporting me to that? What did I do to deserve this?

My phone rings. I don't care, I just let it go to voicemail.

This morning, I was on cloud nine, and now ... now the world's caving in. Now, I am something repulsive to Vinny, my dear friend.

But he's right, on some level. It is true that as long as Habit is here, Evan isn't. And it's not fair to him to be trapped inside his own body. It isn't fair for him to scream and shout and kick at the barrier between himself and the being I love.

So how do we fix this? How do we set them both free?

I'm loathe to admit it, but we do have to get rid of Habit. We have to essentially kill my boyfriend to save my friend. Vinny's only friend. But I just can't, I can't help kill Habit. I have a theory as to how one would kill him, but it might also kill Evan.

The Severance Rune, the eye that Noah Maxwell sees all the time, can be used to cut ties with things. So why couldn't it separate the two of them?

It's a stretch, but hell, my life is a stretch now.

Maybe when we  -  or rather Vinny  -  goes to separate them, it could also be like in A Summoning, where Habit and Evan coexisted in two bodies, like doppelgangers.

It just might work. But the real question is, do I want it to work?

A/N: Okay yeah I came up with that theory on my own while laying in bed crying over the idea of Habby-Stabby and Rabbit being separated. I need therapy. Shit. I'm IN therapy. Whoops.

Totally changing the subject now, did anybody see that Tribe Twelve updated?

I can't be the only one who thinks that Noah has pretty much completely lost it. Not that I can blame him, but still. And he was acting weird the entire video. Like he was completely manic (understandable with him being in Monster Land/Hell) and crazy. I for one think he's on Prozac, because that shit makes you manic and crazy and hyper and makes you do weird things. I don't know, it's just a theory.

Anyways, drop a comment and/or a vote and you'll receive a package in the mail that is your very own cabbage, but it's Shiny (like in Pokémon) and really rare. So yeah, make sure you do that and the Observer should deliver it in a few days.

Xoxoxoxo ....

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