40 - They Return (Major Author's Note)

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- your POV -

I snap awake. I can't tell how long I've been asleep for, but I am relieved and terrified when I hear people talking downstairs. I get up and stretch.

Releasing a long yawn, I pad down the stairs  -  only to walk back into the attic.  I look around, confused, and decide that that must've been something my sleepy brain concocted. So I walk out again. And walk back into the attic. Again.

"Please tell me this is Habit fucking with me and not the damn Stick In The Mud." I groan.

I sit down on the bed-cot and look around. Maybe he's protecting me again. Maybe he's just trying to keep me out of their hands.

Oh shit, does that mean that they're here?!

Panic hits me like a lightning bolt and I stand up, balling my hands into fists and readying to fight as someone ascends the stairs.

"Y/n?" Vinny calls as he walks in the room. He has bruises all over and a slice taken out of his throat. But he's alive and kicking. "Oh my God, it's so good to see you."

He wraps me in one of his famous bear hugs.

"You have no idea," I breathe into him, not caring that he kinda smells like blood and dirt.

"No, you have no idea," he says. "The Collective took me. They tortured me. They want you, badly."

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!"

"It's not your fault. The Observer did most of it. Him and his lackeys liked to pretend I was a human punching bag."

I still feel guilty ...

Maybe he wouldn't have been taken by them if not for me. Maybe I should just give them what they want.

"Y/n," he says, touching my arm. "Look at me. It's not your fault. You've just gotta learn to live with this shit."

"Where is he?" I ask him. "Where's Habit?"

"Downstairs, patching up," Vinny answers, sitting on the cot bed. "Go ahead, I'll be fine."

This time, I'm actually allowed to go downstairs. Not surprisingly, Habit's covered with blood. Well, no more than he was in the Severance video. I decide I don't care about that and run to him, kissing him on the cheek.

"I've missed you," I whisper.

He laughs. "I had a feeling."

"I'm so glad you're both back. I - I am sorry you had to go through all of that because of me."

"Ah, whatever. I'm used to clawing my way through life," says Habit. "It just happens."

"Well, come with me, and I'll help you clean up," I say.

"You're lucky I love you, you know?"

I smile. "Yes."


Hi there Rabbits, Habits, and HYBRIDS!

Well, first off, I can't thank you guys enough for all the support and everything you guys have been doing for me, especially when I find myself stuck in writer's block (which yes, I have AGAIN), and for times like right now.

Right now, I as of writing this chapter, I need to tell you guys that I might not update as regularly for the next couple days, but I might upload a lot at once. Why am I doing this? Well, one word: Pittsburgh.

Now some of you are like wtf why is a place so significant? and I can't blame you. On the 14th of this month, I'm going to Pittsburgh Children's Hospital for a check up. I don't live in Pittsburgh, I live four hours away. I have to go down on Mother's Day and spend the night before my appointment and then go. I'll have shitty hotel WiFi, so I might not update until I get back, which might be that day or the next. This also heavily depends on my writer's block. I swear my imaginary friends hate me. (Writers will get that)

I might post in my story Psychobabble about why Pittsburgh is which a big deal with me, if you really want to know, but it will trigger my PTSD and flashbacks, so I might not.

I hope you guys understand, so I'm gonna stop babbling and just upload the damn story already.

I love each and every one of you guys.

Xoxoxoxo ...

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