39 - A Bargain

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- Habit's POV -

Moving like a shadow, he advances through the house, gaze locked on Cursor. But she knows he's here, despite his discretion.

"Ah, Habit," she says softly, "I am pleased you could make it. I take it that you got my little note?"

"These are my little fish to fuck with, not yours," he growls. "Let Vinny go, and I'll be on my way."

Cursor laughs. "He's my only bargaining chip, the only reason I am still alive. Nice knife, by the way."

"Thanks, I brought it for you."

She chuckles at that.

Suddenly, two men emerge from the shadows, one wearing a blank white mask and the other wearing its dark twin.

And in between them is Vinny.

Cursor smiles at him. "Meet my friends, Baron and Knight. They've been just simply dying to meet you."

"Let. Vinny. Go. Now," Habit bites.

"Hmm, how about no?"

"Dammit, don't make me kill you."

"I doubt you could even if you tried, my friend."

"You and I have very different perceptions of the term "friend", Cursor."

"Yes, and you think friends are simply toys to be played with and discarded. Just ask Jeff, am I right?"

"Watch yourself," Habit growls.

"You used to be so fierce and evil. What's wrong, little rabbit? That girl you fucked making you soft inside?"

Habit advances, but Baron, the white-masked man, pulls out a knife and holds it to Vinny's throat. Cursor cackles when he stops.

"Boy, you are leashed to him, aren't ya?"

"I told you," he growls. "He's mine. Not yours."

She fakes a shudder. "Such bite in those words, so sure of yourself!"

"You just like to hear yourself talk."

"And so do you. I'll make you a deal, Habit, you get this pathetic, broken boy, if we get that girl."


She smiles darkly. "As I thought."

Baron presses the knife into the flesh on Vinny's throat. He gasps and gags. It's then that Habit realises they've tortured him, undoubtedly trying to bring him into their fold. Trying to break him.

But yet here he is, still alive and kicking.

The sight of his abused body makes Evan scream in Habit's head. Cursor needs to die. He knows that, but right now, if he were to do anything, Vinny would be killed. And as much as Habit hates to admit it, he's grown fond of Vinny. Not to mention y/n. She would never forgive him if he let this bitch kill her friend.

"If you don't give Vinny back to me right fucking now, I will kill your precious Firebrand."

"Firebrand's expendable," Cursor says. "Noah becomes him, and you won't kill him when Martyr is protecting him."

"Let Vinny go now."

She sighs.  "You just never give up, do you, little rabbit?"

"Call me that one more goddamn time and see what happens."

"Leave Noah and his friends alone. That's all I ask."


Then, with another cackle, Cursor, Baron, and Knight are all gone.

Vinny slumps onto his hands and knees and gasps. Habit walks over to him.

"Come on, big guy. Y/n is waiting for us."

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