14 - Slender's Dogs

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I run. I run through the woods as fast as possible, wishing to God and whoever else will listen that Habit is still alive. Never before have I wished for something this badly. Never have I had so much to lose. Vinny, Evan, and Habit could all be hurt by the Dogs. I'm not willing to let that happen.

Because I don't live in a horror movie (that I know of), I don't run around screaming their names. Don't make horror movie choices when you are close to death. I duck behind a tree and fall into a small crevice in the rocks.

Great. Now he can shoot me while I'm stuck in a fucking hole. At least I am already in a coffin.

"Where'd you go, you freak?"

Rage bubbles up inside of me. I remember Minnie calling me a freak. Time and time again. And then I break a nearby tree branch and start to pull myself up from the crevice. It isn't too sharp at the end, but that just means I will have a greater chance at really hurting him if I thrust hard enough.

I've seen Evan try to teach self defense, albeit with Slendy watching, but still. I had to learn the hard way. And now, I'm gonna make this bitch regret ever fucking with us. So I climb free and look around.

The Dog is prancing through the woods with a shotgun in one hand, acting like Alex Kralie in the later episodes of Marble Hornets. If you know what the hell I'm talking about. If I know what the hell I'm talking about, which I probably don't.

"I'm gonna find you," snarls the Dog.

He walks closer and closer to where I'm hiding and then I crack him over the head with my stick. Blood gushes from his head wound and he crumples to the ground.

"That is for Evan, Vinny, and Habit." I spit on him too, just for good measure.

I grab his gun and my stick and run back towards the house.

But I don't hear anything. No yelling, no weapons, no talking. The house is far too devoid of noise for me to feel safe. I stop running and look around frantically for them, but only find Habit's blood all over the ground. The door to the house is open and I jog inside with fear eating at me.

"Habit? Vinny?" I call. "It's me!"

"Go ..." someone wheezes. "... it's you that he wants."

"Habit!" I rush to his side. He's bleeding badly, and I almost throw up because of it. "Habit, don't you dare leave me. Neither of you, got it?"

He smirks. Covered in blood and still smirking, still alive.  I take his hand in mine.

"You really gotta go," he pants.

"Fuck that shit," I say.

He laughs. "It's you that they want."

"Then it's me they'll fucking get. I'm not gonna be a damsel in distress anymore."

"Take this." He hands me a knife, the knife he wanted me to kill Minnie with. "Run. His Dogs aren't going to get you. I'll hold them off while you run."

"No. We do this together."

"Alright. Guess you're on a warpath now, huh?"

"They hurt my friends. They hurt me. Now I'm gonna hurt them right back."

"I love the way you think."

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