21 - Awake

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"Leave me alone!" I wake up screaming.

"Y/n, y/n, it's okay, it's fine, you're safe," says Vinny. He grabs my hand before I can reflexively hit him. "You're back home."

"I'm ... I'm dreaming," I whisper.

Vinny pulls me into his arms and I lean against him. I inhale the scent of his cologne and fresh air, and his warmth makes me feel better, like I'm not as hollow and cold as I was before. I don't care if I'm dreaming, I'm warm.

"No, you aren't dreaming," he says.

Our hug is cut off by the sound of a light tapping on the door. Then Evan walks in. He looks haggard and looks like he's been crying. He walks over to us and holds out his hands, like he's asking for a hug or something. Then he slumps to the floor.

I crawl on all fours over to him and wrap my arms around his neck. I hold him close and he cries on my shoulder. It's not long before Vinny comes over and hugs the two of us. I bury my face in Evan's neck and let myself cry too. He seems too ... fragile for my liking. I've never seen him like this since Jeff died.

"I'm so sorry, y/n."

"It's okay. It's not your fault," I whisper. "It never was."

"Thank you, y/n. But I think it was ..."

"You're okay, Ev, you both are," Vinny says.

"I hope so," he says.

"Well, I know so. Come on, I'll make dinner."

Vinny helps the two of us up and the three of us head downstairs for dinner. It's only as I'm walking beside Evan that I notice he has a camera in his hand. I'm so used to them by now that I don't even notice anymore. I take his hand and he looks at me, startled.

"What?" he whispers.

"You looked like you just needed some touch," I say softly. "So I decided to hold your hand, okay?"

He nods and smiles a little, and my heart melts. Every EMH fangirl's dreams, getting smiled at and holding hands with Evan. Sometimes, I really am living the dream.

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