42 - Shocking News

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Waking up is hard to do.

I'm sure we all can agree on that front.

But when I wake up in a pure white room, strapped to a hospital bed, needless to say, I freak out. I thrash against the restraints and scream and shout, doing my best to get the attention of literally anyone and everyone.

The door opens and two huge men in all white suits walk up to me.

"Hold her still," says one.

His friend grabs my arm, pinning it to the bed, and the other produces a needle. Fear gutters me, and I scream and thrash again, doing everything I can to pull my arm away from their grasp.

"Dammit John, I said hold her still!"

"I'm doing my best!" John protests.

"Let me go! Where am I? Let me the hell out of here! Now! Let me go! Tell me where I am!"

"Calm down, the doctor will be in soon to talk with you. This is just some medicine to help calm you down a little," says the other guy.

"Habit! Habit, please, help!" I beg.

They look at each other, then me again.

Finally, John holds my arm still for long enough that his buddy inserts the tranquilizer into me. I cry, begging them to let me go, trying my best to wake up from this godawful nightmare, but I can't.

The pain in my arm is an attest to the fact that I am not asleep. I am awake, but then the room gets all fuzzy and glossy, and soon, everything is shiny. John and the other guy leave.

An elderly man walks in with the help of a cane.

"Who are you?" I ask him. I'm not screaming anymore, but my voice is hoarse all the same. "Where am I? Where is he, what have you done to him?"

"I cannot help you if you continue to hold onto these delusions, y/n. I am Dr. Connors, you are at Saint Vincent's Hospital, you've been missing for months. They found you on the side of the road, and your parents have been in every day to see you."

"My parents?"

"Yes, y/n. Your mother has been quite upset with these machinations of this thing you call Habit. You insist to be in love with ... him ... and you keep saying he will come back for you. You've been in and out of consciousness for a day now."

"Where was Vinny?" I whisper.

"That's the other thing ..." says Dr. Connors. "We found you next to the body of a John Doe you called Vinny."

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