22 - Inhabited?

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I wish I could say that the peace lasted.

But, as I'm sure you all know by now, peace never lasts with people like us. No matter how hard we try, or beg and plead, it just does not happen. But at the same time, I think we are all used to it. I mean, who doesn't want a lot of chaos in their lives?

Of course, I am being sarcastic.


I turn around and look at Vinny, who's holding his camera. He wears the usual outfit  -  a plaid shirt and jeans. Habit isn't here, nor is Evan. Just me and Vin.

"Yeah, what's up?" I say as casually as possible.

"I was just thinking that maybe you could use some company. We aren't able to leave the house until Habit comes back from God-knows-where, so yeah."

"You still don't know how to act around me, do you?" I ask, teasing him.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. It's then that I notice his beard has grown out too, making him look older and wiser. Well, just a little bit.

"No, not really," he confesses.

Suddenly, there's a loud crash! from downstairs and Vinny and I run to investigate it. It's weird running through a mismatched house where you've got no idea where you'll end up, but apparently he knows where he's going as he leads me through the labyrinthine home.

Vinny suddenly stops and holds his arm out for me to unceremoniously crash into.

"What the f  -  "

I'm cut off by snarling as the Rake gets up off the floor, glass shards from the window sticking to its emaciated body, and it starts towards us. Its jaw works a lot, sliding back and forth as the thing with gaunt skin inches closer and closer to us. Vinny pulls me behind him, and since he's taller than me, I can't see what's happening.

I try to look around him at the Rake, but the thing starts to exit the kitchen and head right for the stairs we're standing on.

Fear like I haven't felt in forever seeps into my bones and I instinctively reach for the knife Habit gave me, but it's not there anymore. I'm going to die. This thing will kill the two of us and there's nothing Habit or Slenderman can do about it. Because this thing does not work for or with them, at least not anymore. He's breaking the lease.

By killing us.

"Y/n, when I say run, you run. Okay?" Vinny whispers.

"No! Not without you!"

The Rake laughs, an awful, gravelly sound that makes my stomach twist and hurt from terror. I am shaking, and I just know that Habit isn't coming to the rescue.

So I shove Vinny aside and rush the monster, slamming into it and startling it as we both crash to the ground. It screams and brings its awful claws across my face, leaving deep gouges that will most likely scar.

"Stop it!" I scream.

It throws me onto my back on top of the broken glass and leaps on top of me, grabbing me by the throat and chuckling. That's when I feel it ...

Something inside me bursts free and I grab a piece of glass and begin slamming it into the Rake's neck. I knee it in the groin for good measure and spit in its black eyes. The creature roars and leans back enough for me to slice its throat. I roll away as blood pours onto me.

Vinny rushes over to us and touches my bleeding arm gently, tentatively. He's hyperventilating.

I, however, am laughing.

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