11 - Slendy & The Rake

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I've lost him in the woods. Habit is nowhere in sight, and I've finally gotten myself to stop bleeding all over the place. But I can't keep still, I have to just keep walking and running and hiding. I could try to climb up a tree, but ... nah.

I wish I'd brought my phone.

And now I'm lost in the woods with a demon chasing after me. At least, I think he's a demon. I'm not quite sure about that.

I know he'll be looking for me, and I can't keep running from him. He is a thief and a killer. He's going to find me. Again. And he's going to be pissed when he finds me. What will Habit do? Will he yell? Hit me again?

I head deeper into the woods, praying that I don't get ticks or anything. I don't know where I'm going or if I can actually get away from him, but right now, I just have to keep moving. Just have to keep moving.

That's when I hear a rustling in the woods. I look up, ducking behind a tree and hiding. Something white moves. Is it Habit? Despite fear crawling down my spine, I peak out from behind the tree and then  -

I'm on the ground hard. I cry out and look up as a white creature  -  the Rake   -  rushes at me, snarling and making snorting sounds as it gets closer and closer to me. In the distance, I see the Slenderman. Blood comes up my throat and I start coughing and hacking into the weeds. The Rake claws at me and I kick it hard in the side, sending it back a couple feet. It snarls and scuttles toward me, making frantic "ha, ha, ha" sounds.

I scream.

The sound startles it and I get to my feet and run. But I don't run away like a sensible person would. I run toward Slenderman. Just like Evan has so many times before.

Slenderman doesn't falter. It fills my head with the sound of static, causing my head to feel like it's splitting open. I scream a war cry as I pick up a felled tree branch and whack it right in the legs. The Rake leaps up from behind and drags its claws down my back.

But when I scream again, it rushes off.

That's when I black out.

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