16 - Break Free

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I pull on the chain around my neck, and I feel the eerie calm that the damned Slenderman has placed inside me. I try to pry it apart or off over my head. The beast has not been around me, but I doubt I need to be next to him in order for this calm to stay.

Exhaustion plagues me as I pace the room, not wanting to sleep. I'm too freaked out to lay down. I'm also freezing and have to wonder how long I have been here. I shake all over from the chill of this icy place.

I'm pretty sure that I am going to die here.

"You've got to stop pacing," a familiar voice says. Jeff comes over. He hands me a coat and without a word, I hastily put it on and zip it up. "The noise is driving me crazy."

"Well, you know, you could let me go," I say.

"I can't. I don't know you, y/n, and I know that you're friends with my old friends, but I can't just risk my life to set you free."

"Jeff ..." I whisper, "Please."

He walks away. I try to follow him, but the chain yanks my neck hard, hurting me. I yelp and stagger, falling on my hands and knees. Anger makes me scream. I shake my head.  No way this is going to happen. There's no way that I'm just gonna sit here and be a damsel in distress.

"Fine. I'll do this myself."

I take out the knife from Habit and start sawing away at the end of my chain. Of course, though, it makes a lot of noise. A Dog runs at me and I lunge at him, stabbing him in the shoulder.

He howls in pain and falls backwards.

Fear spikes my heart and I feel like vomiting. I try not to react to it and rush back to my chain, sawing away with my bloodied blade. Finally, it snaps and I scramble past the fallen Dog and head in the direction Jeff went, carrying the chain around my neck and brandishing the knife.


I run.

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