imagine 1; something new

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Your POV:
Today is Friday which means I'm going over to Sean's for our Netflix day. Sean and i both have nothing to do on fridays so we dedicated it to each other.

As i walked into his house i noticed he wasn't in the living room. "sean???" I yelled.

To my relief he answered back "I'm in my room be right down y/n" and i decided just to sit on the couch until he came down. I unlocked my phone and watched some of Jules' vids.

Minutes later Sean came rushing down the stairs in sweatpants and his lewser hoodie, jumped on top of me and hugged me like crazy.

" BESTTTT I MISSED YOU!!!!" He exclaimed proudly. As he looked at me we both laughed. Gosh his laugh is intoxicating. His voice. His smile. His talent. He's just so addictive. And he's my best friend. But i can't help but fall for him.

"Seanathan i missed you too cutie!" I told him ecstatically. I'm not as loud as he is but i love that he's loud. And fun. And amazing. And sexy. Too much? Yeaaah i know that.

Once he realized what i had said he gave me a weird look. " I don't know who your calling cute but it ain't me honey." He said as he chuckled to himself.

As i looked at him in shock all i could do was defend my statement. "What do you mean Sean? You're adorable. The way your eyes get smaller when you laugh. The way you cry when you laugh. Your smile. Your voice. Your talent. Your humor. Everything about you is cute and i know you know that so don't give me that bullshit. You're adorable." I blushed at what i had said and look away from him because i knew he would make a comment if he knew i was blushing.

He smiled and turned my face to meet his. At this point he was inches from my face and i could feel his touch sending shivers down my spine. I look away again so he can't notice that he makes me nervous. But he still does.

He just giggled and turned my face again. Once our eyes locked i knew i was hooked. "y/n do you mean that?" He quietly asked knowing i could hear.

"Of course i mean it. You're addicting Sean. Everyone knows it but you." I said finally getting the courage to tell him.

He looked at me intently. "You are so gorgeous do u know that? Inside and out. It's beautiful." He said. I blushed again. Gosh he drives me insane.

His eyes met mine and i couldn't help but noticed they trailed down to my lips as he licked his own. Just to tease him a little i bit my lip and looked away.

"Fuck it." He groaned before grabbing my face and making his lips meet mine. I knew for a fact that i never wanted this to end. As his soft lips kissed mine all i could think about was how in love with him i really am. All I've ever wanted is happening.

I pulled away and looked at him. All he did was grin and pull me closer. God it felt amazing to be in his arms. As our lips connected again i felt him try to catch his breath.

As his cold hands traveled to my hips i ran my fingers through his hair. I remember him telling me that he loves it when someone does that. As i ran my fingers through his hair he pulled me closer. His hands sent a wave of desire through me.

"Sean." I stopped him.

He caught his breath and leaned his forehead against mine. "Yes?" He responded.

I took a deep breath realizing what I'm about to say. "I'm falling in love with you." He looked at me with the sweetest eyes.

"that's good cause I'm not sure what I'd do if you weren't." He said confusing me.

"What?" I asked.

He smiled. "I'm so in love with you. I've been in love with you since the day we met. Everything about you is just so...perfectly you. And I'm in love with it." I still couldn't believe it.

"Sean i-" he cut me off by his lips once again. I couldn't hold back.

"y/f/n i love you." He said again.

I smiled at him. "Thank god" i said. we both laughed at how dorky i was and then it faded into staring at each other. Wow i could look at him all day. He's so handsome.

"You know you're the only girl who's ever said that about me?" He said pulling me out of my trance.

I smiled at him. "I don't believe you." I said. How could no girl ever tell him that?

"I'm serious. Yeah I've been told i look good but it's so different coming from you. You just ignite this spark in me. And it never burns out. You impact me in the most amazing way possible. God I'm in love with you y/n" I stared at all his features. I have no idea how people don't see what i see. He's so perfect.

I smiled at him. "You're perfect Sean."

"Be my girlfriend." He stated nervously.

"I would be honored Seanathan Leward." I said and laughed.

The rest of the night consisted of kisses laughing and amazing cuddles.

And right now. 1 and a half years later, we're still together. And I'm still a shy girl. I'm still head over heels with him. He told me he wants to marry me. He'll just have to wait😉.

————————————————————————MY FIRST IMAGINE! hi lovelies. I'm glad you read. Tell me what you thought in the comments below. Don't know if I'll continue this or not but let me knowwwwww!😊 thank you thank you. Spread love and kindness. SEE YAAA💕

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