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And I spent the whole Maths lesson doing maths and ignored him.

"Hey girl, would you mind teaching me how to solve this equation?"it's that brummie voice again speaking to me.

"Huh?"I looked away from the questions that I was solving.

"Teach me, please?" He looked at me with a smile.



"Why'd I need to help you with this?"I said, looking at him with no expression on my face.

"Huh?"he looked startled to see me speaking to him with this kind of bad attitude.

"You just said that you are not foolish and this is definitely an easy equation to solve."

"But you have got to know that smart people won't be always smart, there's still some times that they will be freaking dumb."

I could see that he was actually trying to not be irritated and sassy. There's still anger in his eyes.

"Just once," I said,helping him just not letting him to vent his temper on me.


I gave him my paper and he just grabbed it and copied down all the answers.

"Thanks,"he hanged my sheet to me without looking at me.

He's literally a dick.

And I just moved myself a little bit away from him.

The bell went and the class was dismissed. I quickly packed up all my stuffs into my school bag and left the seat, walking out of the classroom without looking back.

And this time I felt a hand grabbed my arm.

I turned back and saw him.

"What do you want from me?"I asked. This time I really couldn't bear him and I let my temper out.

He immediately put his hand away from me and stepped backward.

"Nothing,"he said coolly."Just thought that you're someone else."

I continued my way to another classroom for chemistry.

I arrived the lab and saw Tristan and Connor standing outside the door. It's such a relief for me as I at least not need to see that asshole again for the last period of the day.

"Why are you guys standing here?"I smiled at them.

"Hi, Alice, we're just waiting for James,"said Tristan.

"Oh I see. But maybe you guys should prepare a little speech to introduce yourselves as our chemistry teacher is not a very easy-going one," I shrugged and chuckled.

"Thanks for the tips,"he winked at me.

I felt my cheeks getting red and I immediately ran into the lab.

And luckily in this period, Alan was sitting next to me.

"How's you first Maths lesson with that sassy boy?"he chuckled.

"Ah, you better not remind me of that," I rolled my eyes.

"Hahahaha,"he laughed."Wish you all the best."

"Thanks for that. I really hope so,"I sighed.

And just for a while I really forgot there's someone in the same room with me who was actually worse than Brad.

The memories flashed across my mind. I looked at his seat and he was chatting with the girl sitting next to him happily. I gasped and turned my head back to the teacher.

Young, Dumb And Broke (a Bradley Simpson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now