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The alarm clock woke me up in the early morning. As it's way too early for school, I turned on my phone and the screen lit up. There were three missed calls from Alan. Wow, pretty amazed by that.

So I decided to call him back in case he's got something to explain to me. I mean, I didn't want to lose a friend.

"Hey,"he picked up as he answered, in a very calm tone.

"What's up?"

"Alice, can you meet me at my house?"he demanded. "I think we needa talk."

"Yep, sure."

"So just come over please, before school."


I hang up the phone and went downstairs to the kitchen. Simply put some cereal with some milk and finished that simple breakfast in a fast mean.

So I left a note to Mum on the kitchen table, telling her that I was going to Alan's house.

Then I locked the front door and put the keys into my jacket pocket.

As his house was just a few blocks away from mine, I quickly arrived and rang the bell.

He opened the door and he looked completely sleepy, still in the morning mood, with messy hair and raspy voice as he spoke.

"Come in,"he said, leaving a way for me to get in.

I went into his house and sat on his sofa as he sat on the opposite to me.

"So what are you gonna talk about?"I asked.

"Well...just to say that...about that night, I wasn't mean to kiss you...you know, alcohol,"he ran his fingers on his hair as he was shy.

"Fine,"I reassured. "I wasn't going to charge you on that."

"Good,"he grinned. "Still friends? I hope you aren't that kind of stingy person,"he joked.

"Gosh, I'm way too generous than you,"I rolled my eyes.

He laughed and he continued,"Still friends?"

"Still friends,"I smiled. He gave me a bro-like hug and everything seemed to be better now.

"So let's walk to school? It's almost time of it."


We left the house together and we arrived the school gate. Surprisingly Brad wasn't there. And when I grabbed my book from the locker, I still couldn't see him.

I started panicking as I afraid what would be wrong with him just after he drove me home.

I walked through the hallway with Alan. My heart completely relieved when I saw he hanging out with the boys.

"Hey,"he winked at me as I stopped by.

"I thought you're not going to school today,"I teased.

"Nah, I must be here as long as you're here,"he smirked.

"Stop being this flirty, Brad."

The boys burst into laughter.

"See you guys at Chem,"Brad waved at the boys as it's almost the lesson time.

I walked over to the classroom with him together.

Yeah, it's maths lesson.

He gently held my hand as we walked into the classroom, everyone was looking at us with an amazed look, not to mention that there's still one pair of jealous eyes in this classroom, and it belongs to Noel.

She sat at her seat completely silent, while others were cherishing at us like "you two are so cute togther" and whatever more.

She stared back to me as I sat down on my seat. The teacher arrived so she looked away as to focus on the lesson.

I looked at the chalkboard as Mrs Regan started to put down something on it. After she finished I realised that it was almost the time for math group project of the term.

I started panic as she was always the one who made us into groups. So you know what would happen if something went wrong.

I held my breath as she started putting down the number of groups.

"Okay, so guys,"she started, looking around the classroom with a smile. "What we're discussing today, is that Math project. So as you know it's a once-in-lifetime event, I'm gonna take this get serious,"she spoke fluently with humor, making the whole class laughing.

"Now, I'm gonna divide you guys into groups. There's no doubt that you may get to work with someone you hate,"she said causally and my mind was filled with different scenes of being in the same group with Noel and we couldn't move on to work anything out.

"So let's start it,"she finished the little intro thing as she put down the names one by one.

I read the words she wrote:
Judy, Will, Cameron
Bradley, Alice, Noel

I paused as I saw my name written on the board with Brad's and...Noel's.

I turned to look at Brad as he wasn't sure of what's happening, too.

"Well, we've got this bitch,"I murmured, and he seemed to notice that as he laughed.

"Maybe just give her all the workloads. That would be pretty good,"he teased.

"Yeah, being the first in year must've got something nice,"I satirized.

"May I get your attention here?"asked Mrs Regan, and the whole class went into silence.

"So, for the rest of the lesson, I'm gonna give you guys time to think of what to do in the project. And the deadline is 20th November. You guys are gonna have a presentation and a written report handed in on that day."

"That sucks,"I said hopelessly.

"Maybe we can still work things out, you know,"Brad gave me a warm smile.

He gave me a warm hug and that was exactly the time when Noel approached us.

"Oh, young lovely couple, sorry that I just interrupted you guys for that couple thing,"she faked a smile, I could see the jealousy in her eyes.

"You better shut up your dirty little mouth,"Brad spat. "It should work for a better purpose."

"Simpson, you know the thing I thought you should be on our side. But sorry that you aren't now,"she continued.

"Can't you just shut up and do some greater things?"I raised an eyebrow up at her.

"Oh, don't say like you're a really nice person. If it weren't you, we wouldn't be like this today,"she wrapped her arms up.

"Well, that's not bad enough as you've been the one saying bad stuffs or cursing me all way through your instagram private account,"I shrugged.

Brad's eyes widen as he wasn't in this sorts of stuffs. I didn't blame him.

"So let's get to the project,"she said finally as if she had surrendered.

"Finally,"I rolled my eyes at her. I heard Brad chuckle next to me softly.

"Miss first-in-year, what's your opinion of our topic?"Brad asked teasingly.

"Just pick up something like Pythagoras thereom?"she put herself into a serious mood and discussed the thing. What a big move for her.

"And you, love?"Brad looked into my eyes as I wasn't really attentive. He winked at me and I started blushing.

"Um...whatever is okay,"I answered. "Pythagoras thereon wasn't a bad one. So let's do it,"I smiled.


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