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We sat down on the benches we sat before we left the hospital for meal. Mum was still inside the room, sitting next to Dad as he wasn't awake yet. So we ended up lying on each other for support during the night as we both fell asleep.

I woke up with my phone vibrating inside my jeans pocket. I carefully pulled it out as I afraid that I would wake Alan up.

I unlocked it as it stopped vibrating and it became a missed call. I only saw the contact that I had been trying to call appeared again as he phoned in again.

"Hey,"his voice said. "What's up?"

I left the seat alone and went to a corner for the call.

"Hey, love?"he asked again as I didn't give him any response.

"Can you come to the hospital?"I asked.

"What's up?"

"My dad was crashed by a car."


He then hang up the phone.

I stood alone lying on the cold, hard hospital wall. I closed my eyes, still with my phone in my palm.

After a few minutes, he showed up finally.

I sighed as he walked over to me.

"How's he?"he asked. I smelled the alcohol scent from him.

Well, very nice. Just a night without me and he's drinking...what would have happened.

"Not bad at all,"I answered, not trying to get myself mad at him, at least once.

"Then why you call me? I don't want to waste my time."

Damn, he's drunk.

"Brad, are you drunk?"

"No, obviously not. But answer my question first."

"I need you."

His anger sudden came out as he raised his volume.

"But why he's here?"he asked looking at Alan's direction.

"He's always there for me,"I defended. "But you're fucking out drinking when I called you!"

"You guys being together could've done something worse than me being drunk,"he rolled his eyes on me.

"What did you think of?"I asked."Making out here in the hospital?  And with my dad inside the room that is still not even conscious yet?" I vented out all my temper at him.

"That's what a bitch did,"he said. "And it's just you."

He left without saying a thing anymore.


Author's note finally x
So this is a very brief one but just note that there's something behind Brad that he couldn't tell her. And this story is gonna end soon haha:) B x

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