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The sun rose up as I felt the sunlight shining, hardly seeing a thing when I tried to open my eyes. Then I found the warm, soft body that was holding me for the night there. And I heard his light snoring sound as I chuckled.

He probably heard my sound as he awoke, slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Morning,"he said in a raspy morning voice.

"Morning,"I laughed.

He then pushed his lips into mine, released it slowly.

"What's that for?"I smiled.

"Morning greet,"he winked.

"Let's get up,"I said, noticing there's still school for today, trying to get rid of his arms and get off the bed.

"Nah, just 5 minutes,"he pulled me back into his arms.

"Seriously-"I said as he cut off me with a kiss.

"What the heck?"I laughed.

He pushed me into the bed as he began to kiss me over my neck.

"Brad, you little naughty,"I chuckled.

He looked at me with a smile and he stopped.

"5 minutes gone,"he said with a serious look.

"Whatever,"I said, laughing.

I walked into the bathroom and brush my teeth, I quickly tied up a messy bun as I walked over to the wardrobe, flipping through my clothes.

"Brad, I'm having a shower so if you need to use the bathroom, go downstairs!"I shouted over the room.

"Okay,"he shouted from the other side of the room.

I quickly rinsed through my body and put my clothes. Then I realised Brad had his clothes left in the bathroom last night. So I grabbed those for him.

"You forgot these, baby,"I swung his clothes in front of him after I went out of the bathroom.

"Oh yeah,"he said awkwardly, rubbing his messy hair.

He took the clothes away from me as he approached me.

"You look so beautiful today,"he mumbled into my ears.

"You too,"I said.

He left a kiss on my forehead and smiled at me. Then he got into the bathroom, putting his clothes on and did the washing thing.

"Morning, Mum,"I said, yawning, sitting next to Brad in the dining room.

"Morn,"she grinned. "Is the breakfast nice, Brad?"

"Yes, very nice. I love it,"Brad answered as he finished the whole breakfast, leaving an empty plate on the table.

She smiled back as there's still someone appreciating her cooking. And that's not me.

I stood up as me and Brad both finished the breakfast, heading out the house and were ready for school.

"Luckily, you still have got you bag here,"I started off.

"My house wasn't faraway from yours, nevermind,"he shrugged.

He gripped my hand as we walked into the school campus. Unfortunately seeing Noel hanging with a couple of boys and girls...and Shawn was one of them.

I turned away from them and pulled Brad to somewhere else but they approached us and blocked the way.

"Move,"I said.

"Why can't let us appreciate you two little lovebirds? Ohhhh, are you guys having little secrets that you're not wanting us to hear from?"Noel said with a bunch of girls giggling around her and she looked completely like a winner having her feet on my head.

"I said, MOVE,"I shouted the words a little louder so to make it clear.

She still stood there with those girls and not intending to do so.

"We're friends, girl. Take it easy,"she spoke every single word in a teasing tone. I couldn't stand this anymore as the way she looked was totally a bitch.

"If you want a punch or what, get away from her,"Brad stood up for us and spat.

"Seriously, are you a gentleman if you hit a girl?"she teased, laughing more loudly this time.

"It's enough, Noel,"a voice behind her said.

The girls turned their backs to see Shawn standing steadily with his arms crossed.

"No, honey you don't understand-"Noel continued but Shawn interrupted her.

"I understand, despite the fact whatever she has done to you. What you are doing right now is completely a bitch and that's nothing more than that,"he finished it as he walked away.

Now Noel looked completely stunned as even Shawn wasn't on her side. She then quickly ran off with those girls.

"What a big step to him,"I felt a relief inside my heart.

"You should probably tell me what's going on between you and her,"Brad shrugged. "That's not healthy."

"I know,"I sighed. "It's a long story. At first we weren't friends but we suddenly turned into with reasons. Then we started getting along with each other until once she found out that I was commenting something on someone's private account on insta and that was something critical to her. So she decided to end our friendship by having more stuffs like that on her insta private account about me. All those gossips and whatever bad about me."

"Well...I think you did wrong but she shouldn't do this to you. And she definitely sounds like a bitch more than you,"he said in a matter of fact tone.

"Anyway, just don't mess up with her,"he put his arm on my shoulder. "You know that I'm always here for you."

Then he kissed me in my lips, cupping my cheek with his hands in front of the whole school. He didn't release me until the bell rang for lesson.

"So see ya babe,"he winked at me as we're not at the same classroom for the first period.

"Bye,"I smiled and I carried it through my way to the physics lab.

I didn't pay much attention to the lesson as the teacher wasn't doing any experiment with us. All there left was his boring teaching, which no one ever bothered to listen to. I guess he was getting used to it as he didn't scold us or punish us because we're not being attentive.

I looked outside of the window, seeing that it stared to rain again. I sighed as even if the sun wasn't showing up at me.

I spent the whole lesson losing in my thoughts, looking at the clock and wasted til the last minute of the lesson. And when the class was dismissed, all the grief seemed to be relieved for me.

I walked up the staircase to find Brad waiting for me there, smiling warmly. I walked towards him as he gave me a warm hug, whispered "everything's alright" in my ears, which suddenly gave me a support in life.


Young, Dumb And Broke (a Bradley Simpson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now