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I took a quick shower and put on my clothes, ready to meet Alan.

He was standing outside the door and scrolling through his phone when he saw me.

"Can you see that it's actually ten past four?"he pointed at his watch.

"Ten minutes won't bother us so much, let's go,"I grabbed his arm and left my house.

"Where are we going to?"I asked, walking like a child who was excited and jumped all way round.

"Can you please put your hand away from me as I have a girlfriend already,"he spat.

"Why the hell you're so abnormal today?"I snapped as I shifted off his arm.

"For God's sake who tells you I'm Alan?"

"What the fuck-"

Okay, probably my eyes had got some issues as he was wearing a hoodie and he put the hood up so I just looked at his back and I thought that was Alan.

"So, why the hell you are in front of my house? Are you stalking me?"I asked, eager to find Alan.

He pulled his hood down and looked at me, with his brows frowned.

It was Brad.

I should have known that by his tone.

"You should see this,"he handed me his phone as he looked away from me.

There was a text from an unknown number also. And it said that:

"Please go to 10 Parker Street..."

Wait that was my address.

"Who sent you that?"I hit his head with my hand.

"Ouch, why did you fucking hit me?"he snapped, rubbing his head with his hand.

"Because you deserve it,"I gave his phone back to him and crossed my arm.

And it reminded me of the text I got yesterday.

"Hey,"I nudged him,"look at this."

I gave my phone to him and he read the message.

"I'm sorry for the way I behaved..."he read it out loud and the people who walked by all had they eyes on us as if we were weird.

I used my hand to shut his mouth as not to read it out loud.

And there was something on the road so I kicked it accidentally and fell onto him.

He used his arms to support me as if not we would all fall to the ground.

I quickly stepped away from him.

"Sorry,"I mumbled.

He looked at me with no expression on his face.

"Well, take your phone back,"he said, giving me my phone back. "I'm going back home so please don't waste my time here looking at you stupid message."

He spat as he was trying to walked away.

"Wait,"I grabbed his arm and he looked at me with annoy."Do you know anything about this message?"

He paused for a while.

"Nope, just bug off, please. I'm tired."

And he just went away like this without saying goodbye.

I headed home and found the real Alan waiting for me at the front door.

"Sorry that I was a bit late,"he smiled.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"If you've come here, just ten minutes earlier, you could have save me from troubles,"I spat.

"Wow, who's the one made you say like that?"he looked at me with a 'wow' face.

"Brad,"I rolled my eyes.

"I see. And according to my knowledge, you should have thought that he was me at that moment,"he giggled.

"Yeah, that's exactly what happened,"I sighed.

"Don't be like that, it's just half past four. We still have half of the day to waste,"he winked.

"What? Having a day off til night?"I said as in astonishment.

"No really, it's just my friend gave me two tickets of a concert and I just wonder if I can go out with you and see it together," he handed me the two tickets.

I read it.

"The Vamps? I've never heard of them,"I shrugged as I gave the tickets back to him as he was better at keeping stuffs than me.

"So that was the point that I'm bring you out as there may be surprise of something we don't know,"he said positively.

"Hoping that they have some good music for me,"I said.

"So...now we still have got a few hours to go before the concert and maybe we should go to the cafe and have some food?"he grinned at me as we stopped by a cafe.

"Good idea,"as I could barely feel my stomach was empty.

We got inside and order two pancakes and two lattes.

"Thank you,"I smiled at the waitress as she gave my pancake to me.

I grabbed the knife and fork and started eating.

And I realised that wasn't enough for me, though.

Alan looked at me and he didn't eat his pancake.

"Why don't you eat it?"I asked, having a piece of pancake inside my mouth. "It was actually quite nice."

"I ordered two because I know that you're hungry as I could tell that from your face,"he laughed. "So this one is also for you."

And I ended up having two pancakes inside my stomach which made me full af.


He laughed at me.

"Gosh, don't laugh at me,you do that also!"

He kept grinning as he took a sip of the latte.

"Not quite bad,"he commented.

There was a poetry reading in the cafe so we just tried to appreciate the poems that the participants wrote just to waste our time.

"We should go now,"he said,"it's already half past five and we still have to take the bus to the arena."

We left the cafe and headed for the arena.


Young, Dumb And Broke (a Bradley Simpson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now