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We sat near the table with the boys during lunch. I hardly ever noticed Alan was there with us, joining us again after that accident.

I sighed as I looked down on my lunch box, frowning at the food that Mum made for me. My mind's still on Noel, thinking of how my life's gonna be with her here, acting like a bully and teasing me all way round.

No one seemed to notice that except Brad as they were all chatting about some stuffs. I didn't give any attention to that. I thought I just need a little mental break from all these and my spirit is gonna be back as soon as tomorrow. I just wanted to finish the school today and go back home, lying on my bed with Netflix. That was a pretty good choice for that.

I wasn't saying that I didn't ever try to save my friendship between me and Noel. But she just simply ignored me whatever I said to her, and pulling those cool expressions up on her face, was the thing I hated her the most.

And the moment that I was completely pissed off, was that I saw her posting something with a capture photo of the message I had sent to her but I deleted it immediately after I sent it. She added with a comment as "Why need to delete it in this fast" and that was what exactly pissed me off. Started from that day, I stopped doing all I had been doing and I even blocked her on all my social platforms, even in contacts. So that's how the story ends, isn't it? I hope so but no.

She still kept bothering me and teasing me in school, like I'm her enemy and stuffs and always wanting to show her hatred on me. I understood that but as we were friends, she didn't actually give any shit about our friendship, even if it's just our past. She still acted like that bitch she was when I first met her, pretending to be good and when others talked to her, she would want to interfere with whatever they had said and elaborate more with that. If it wasn't me there, she would have no friend as no one actually like her, not even now. I tried to warn her about those but she didn't listen. So, what I could ever do is to keep silent to her. And that was the best way for the both of us.

I went back into reality as I felt a few soft taps on my shoulder. I turned to find Brad smiling at me as he was the one who did it.

"Gosh,"I rubbed my eyes. "What did I miss?"

"You missed so much stuffs,"Brad laughed.

"Oh, whatever,"I shrugged. "If it's not related to me,"I said to myself.

"So, about that Noel we have been talking for...is she pretty?"James asked as his eyes were sparkling as if he was willing to find a girl.

"Ew no,"said Alan with huge disgust. "I mean, even if she's the prettiest girl in the world. I wouldn't even take a look at her."

"Why'd you say that?"asked Connor innocently. The boys really didn't have any ideas about how bad she is.

"Well, I'm not really acquainted with her but just as we met a few times, I can tell that she is completely a bitch,"Brad spat, rolling his eyes.

"If you say like that, she doesn't even worth any attention. But what she has been doing for, to get people's attention on her?"asked James.

"You guys got great curiosity,"I laughed. "Even more eager than girls about gossips."

"Hey, tell me about her more,"Connor said nudging me from my left side.

"Okay, okay,"I laughed. "I guess she just wants all the hearts from those pretty boys to fall for her and she would be like, 'Oh, I win the whole world'. That's it,"I shrugged.

"To make a squad or what?"asked Tris. "Like a huge army to be manipulated by her?"

"I guess so,"I shrugged.

"What a slut,"mumbled James, commenting.

"I heard that, James,"I noted.

"Oops, sorry,"he laughed at me embarrassedly, running his fingers on his head.

"Are we all taking the next period together?"Alan looked at his watch as lunchtime was almost over.

"Oh, chem,"I covered my mouth with my hands.

"That sucks,"Brad rolled his eyes. "I hope that I don't need to punch her in face when I see her teasing at you, again,"he added.

"Thanks, babe,"I smiled to him.

He pushed me into his chest and pat me with a comforting pace.

"That's enough,"I chuckled. "I'm not a sleeping baby."

"But you're a beauty,"he said with flirt.

"Gwad, I hate you,"I chuckled.

"And I know that you love me,"he smiled.

All of us went to the chemistry lab together, the boys and Alan went into the lab first and lastly me and Brad.

We walked to our seats separately as for this period we're not sitting next to each other. But at least I could see him as he's just at the first seat of the row next to me as I was at the last seat of the row.

He sat down and turned to me for a smile then turned back facing the chalkboard as Mr Andersen came in.

He cleaned his throat as he let out a few coughs, drawing our attention to him.

Everyone settled down in the lab as the class remained silent. He then looked at us with a satisfied smile on his face as he began to teach us with the new topics.

I yawned as I felt a little bit tired for school, searching for something that would keep myself from sleeping in lessons.

As Mr Andersen gave us a  quiz out of sudden, I immediately shook myself away from daydreaming. He handed us the paper and I took a brief look on it. Luckily I still knew how to do the questions.

After ten minutes, he got back the papers back from us and left the classroom as the lesson ended. I felt a great relief inside my heart. It's the time for home finally.


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