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I woke up with him lying next to me in his own room. I hardly remembered anything of last night as I was asleep on the way back to his home.

He was still asleep and I watched his face, so cute when he slept.

I grabbed my phone from the cabinet at the bedside, seeing the time of the day.

He slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them, yawning and looked over me.

"Good morning,"I said, leaving a kiss on his face.

"Hiiiilo,"he smiled with satisfaction.

"Mmmm....can I take a shower first?"I asked, looking at him for permission.

"Yeah sure, I'm gonna take you somewhere after that,"he said with a mysterious tone.

I laughed as I got into his bathroom, luckily I still got some clothes of myself as I brought them in case anything happened.

I rinsed quickly and dried my hair, walked out of the bathroom with a different outfit.

"So where are we going?"I asked as I walked towards his bed, seeing him half naked as he just put his jeans on.

"Let me put my clothes on first...tell you when we arrive,"he said as  it was a secret.

So I waited quietly aside, waiting for him to get prepared.

"Let's go,"he smiled, acting optimistically.

He grabbed my hand as we headed downstairs, only to see his mum and sister.

"Brad...this is?"his sister asked with confusion.

"None of your business,"he answered.

"Who are you?"his sister asked looking at me, raised her eyebrow.

"I'm Alice, Alice Wickham. And I'm Brad's..."I stopped as I looked at Brad's reaction, finding a suitable word as to continue.

Instead of giving me any look, he interrupted,"Okay, I admit it. She's my girlfriend."

"Oh really?"she said. "So you should know that I'm his sis, right?"she suddenly became more cheerful as I wasn't a mysterious girl who looked like just had one night stand with her younger brother. "I'm Natalie,"she introduced herself. "You can just call me Nat."

I shook her hand with a smile and faced his mum as she was looking at the three of us.

"Don't be scared, sweetie. We are welcoming you here,"his mum grinned warmly, which did make me feel better.

"Mum, we're going out now,"Brad said as we walked through the living room.

"So how are we getting there?"I asked. I thought I really sounded like a question girl as I had asked him so freaking much stuffs.

He didn't reply me as he went into the garage, got out with a car.

He stopped as I got in the car.

He started driving and we soonly arrived.

"Close your eyes,"he said, putting his hands on my eyes as we got off the car.

I barely knew the place and I just felt there's steps at the entrance if the building, I guessed. So I remained silent as I followed his command.

And it seemed like we got into a lift as I heard the sound as the door opened. He softly whispered in my ear and we walked out of the lift.

It would be pretty weird if anyone really did look at the two of us.

Young, Dumb And Broke (a Bradley Simpson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now