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I entered the house with Brad outside, leaving as we walked home together. He gently left a kiss on my cheek as he left. I walked into the house, figuring out that the door was unlocked so I went in wondering if Mum was there or not.

As I walked further into the house, I barely saw a shadow running in front of me to the kitchen so I took out my water bottle to be ready if it's a kind of burglary or what. I walked into the kitchen slowly with my breath held. I tiptoed in and the light was lit, I slowly turned around and saw someone behind me.

I screamed as I quickly shifted away from that person, turned to his direction as to see that's a person I know, and it's Alan.

"What are you doing here?"I gasped.

"Your mum..."he started off, pointing at her room's direction. 

"What happened to her?"I asked eagerly. No, Mum couldn't have something happen to her. No.

"It's not about her, you should find her at her room."

I ran to Mum's room and knocked on the door, she opened it immediately.

As I saw her face, she was buried with tears.

"What's happening, Mum?"I asked, without knowing a heck what's going on.

"Your dad...He's in hospital..."she stuttered.

"Car crash?"My eyes widened.

"Yeah..."she looked down on the floor, hopelessly.

"Mum, it's gonna be alright,"I said, comforting her with my arms wrapped around her shoulders, running my hands on  her head.

"We should go to the hospital,"I settled myself in a calm voice.

She nodded as if she agreed.

As we went down stairs from her room, Alan came over and looked at us.

"Hospital?"he asked. "I can give you a ride. My car is outside."

"Thanks,"I tried to smile, though I failed.

He gave me a caring look as he didn't feel it right, either.

We got on his car as he started driving, I flipped through my bag and found my phone. I took it with my hands still shaking, being unable to press on the button. I turned it on and went to my contacts, pressed the one at the first space.

But he didn't answer at all.

I shut it down, looking outside from the window, hoping everything's gonna be alright.

I went into the reception table as I ran into the hospital.

"Where's Jack Wickham?"I asked her as she flipped through her list.

"You're...?"the lady raised an eyebrow on me as she looked away from the book.

 "His daughter and his wife is also here,"I stated, pointing to the direction of where Mum's staying at.

"Room 47,"she answered. "Turn right at the end of the corridor over there."

"Thanks,"I said politely.

I ran back to meet Mum and Alan as I led them to the room.

We sat outside as we're all in silent. The nurse outside the room came over to us.

"So, are you guys the family members of  Jack Wickham?"she asked.

"Yeah,"I answered as I stood up.

"He is not in an emergency state. Don't be worry,"she smiled at me.

 I relieved as Mum turned to her.

"Is he okay?"She asked the nurse.

"Yeah, he just fainted a little bit, I guess,"the nurse answered cheerfully.

"Can we go in now?"I asked.


I turned the knob as I opened the door. I saw him lying in bed and with his eyes shut.

Mum quickly rushed over to him as she held his hand up, putting her face on them.

I sighed as I went out of the room, leaving them some space.

"Don't be sad,"Alan said. "It's gonna be alright."

"I'm not...but he sounds fine,"I sighed as a relief.

"Yeah...probably we should go get some food?"he asked, a smile appeared on his face.

I agreed as I nodded towards him. We went out of  the hospital as we both weren't so keen at it's food. We found a fast food restaurant and went inside.

"What'd you want?"he asked, giving me the menu.

"Just a cheeseburger thanks,"I said to the waitress.

She jotted down the things I ordered as she turned to Alan and waited for his.

"Um..."he muttered as he put his finger on his lips, the waitress was blushing over him.

"Same as hers, thanks,"he finally said.

"Okay,"the waitress said shyly and quickly went off.

"She's got something for you,"I smirked.

"Really?"he asked with an interested look.

"Yup, I guess so. Maybe it's time for you to find a girl..."I suggested.

"Maybe?"he shrugged.

"Do I need to help you with that?"I chuckled.

"Unless you've got some non-bitches,"he replied with a playful tone.

"Though bitches everywhere,"I laughed.

"Kind of,"he shrugged.

We finished the meal and we paid separately. That's how we always do when we're out for meal.

"So are you gonna stay at the hospital tonight?"he asked.

"Yes, I'm not gonna let Mum staying there alone anyway."

"Need a company or not?"


"Then I'm coming with ya."


Young, Dumb And Broke (a Bradley Simpson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now