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Next day

"Alice! Open up the door, it's already half past 7!"I heard Mum shouted outside my room, I slowly opened my eyes and saw him quickly put his clothes on, crawling outside the window.

He gave me one last wink before he closed the window and left the house.

I followed him, walked few steps near the window and after confirming that he was gone, I gradually unlocked the door and saw Mum in front of me.

"Why did you lock the door? You almost scare the hell out of me, sweetheart,"she said, waiting me for an explanation.

"No, I just accidentally lock it up last night,"I lied, trying to pretend that it was a careless mistake.

She looked at me with suspicion and within her judging eyes, I tried to act like "that was the truth, yeah".

She slowly turned her sight away," so go and get yourself prepared for school,"she suddenly changed her serious tone back to a casual one.

I nodded as she went away, leaving me to close the door.

So I just quickly got myself changed, grabbed my school bag from my desk, opened the door and headed downstairs.

I quickly shifted myself away from the table in the kitchen, grabbed my lunch pack and stayed away from my mum's sight as possible as I could as I picked up the cup of milk and quickly stuffed it. And just within a few seconds, I ran out of the house like I was just suffering in hell.

And the most unexpected part was that, he was waiting for me in front of the house gate. He threw a smile at me and I just noticed that he got himself changed and probably, made his hair as it was a bit scruffy in the early morning.

As I walked towards him, he gradually turned his body as he grabbed my hand, holding it gently and we started walking over to school.

It felt quite secured with my hand held by him, I hardly ever felt this secured within months.

I slowly looked up at him, I felt him grinned in his inner part as he shuddered a bit.

I smiled to myself so as we went on.

We get passed the streets and slowly we walked through the school gate and the hallway when everyone got their eyes on us.

I stopped as I needed to get books from my locker, so he just quietly stood there and waited until I finished.

And luckily, we're together for the first period, Music.

Also please feel free to choose your seat as the teacher didn't care about that.

So I just sticked to him as Shawn was also in the same class with us. I sat down at the first row and he just sat next to me. At least when you needed help, you could have someone to sort out.

I looked at him as I knew that he has got talent in music, so I was basically waiting him for showing it.

As the teacher got in, everyone settled down on their seats and my left seat was still empty as no one every did taken it.

Followed after the teacher, it was James who was a bit late at the first period.

He quickly ran towards us as the teacher had his back faced to us.

He gasped as he settle down, hardly pulled his music book out from his bag.

I chuckled as he looked at me and said hi in a friendly way. I greeted back and faced the teacher automatically, in case of Brad getting jealous.

The teacher started talking about music theories which I had already learnt it before I passed the grade 5 theory exam, and the one that I spent more then an hour looking outside the window instead of checking if there were any mistakes on the paper.

And when the teacher just asked two volunteers to play the piano and the guitar for her, the two sitting besides me put their hands up without any hesitation.

I chuckled as they left their seats, one to the piano and one to the guitar. That was exactly what they did on stage.

The teacher picked up a song and asked them to played it with different instruments together. They sight-read it and I thought, they totally nailed it as after they finished it, everyone gave a round of applause to them.

Brad sat down and smiled at me confidently like a kid who was just showing his mum how good he was, which immediately made me burst into laughter because of his cuteness.

I looked into his eyes as he looked into mine, we caught our eyes. For that particular moment I thought he was trying to lean in and kiss me though he resisted it at last, I mean in that situation, you can't always do what you want as you know, in front of class.

I didn't notice that James was actually looking at us, blushing at each other until he said the whole thing out when the lesson ended.

"Lovebirds?"he smirked, looking at Brad and me with a curious look.

"Brad, so fast to find a girl! Woo, buddy I'm happy of you,"he cheered as Brad shyly smiled.

"Alice, you know what? He is a good guy so please treasure this little bear,"he joked playfully but I hardly guessed the meaning behind his words.

So I just simply nodded my head with a smile and moved towards the classroom for my next period.


For some reasons, I couldn't find Alan anywhere at the canteen and those seats. And I just sat with the boys as to be the only girl at their table.

"So are you guys officially announce that you're a couple and gonna let us ship you?"Tris joked with his eyes shining like if he has found a gold or somewhat precious.

"What do you want me to say, then?"Brad retorted.

"Maybe we should go to a party together or what? I've known a friend here and he said that there will be a party tomorrow night,"suggested Connor with excitement.

"Yeah, I mean at least for...fun you know,"James smirked.

"Well, we'll go, aren't we?"Brad nudged me with his shoulders and I slowly nodded yes.

"Good,"Tris said with a satisfied smile. "I will bring Anastasia with me," he proudly stated.

"Or if you don't, she will rip your heart out,"Brad satirized as he laughed.

Tris quickly gave him a look as to stop him.

He made a face and murmured something that even I sat next to him, I couldn't hear what he said.

So we just basically went back for the lessons as we finished our lunch.


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