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Halloween night

"Mum!"I shouted as I grabbed my bag, rushing over the stairs."I'm going out tonight, and I'll be back late."

"To where?"she asked as I walked into the living room, grabbed my cup of tea and drank the last bit of it.

"A haunted house,"I said with amusement. "Don't you think that's exciting?"

"Call me if you need,"she hugged me and kissed on my forehead. "Your dad needs to stay at work tonight,"she added.

"Okay, bye Mum,"I said as I walked over to the front door.

I opened it and saw Alan out of the door.

"Did you bring any torch? I mean I afraid if we couldn't find them..."he started. He was quite worried.

"Don't be frightened, it's just a little adventure. No ghost will be there, I promise,"I chuckled as his expression was still the same.

"So if I lose my way, I will call out your name."

"Yeah, or the boys'."

We walked across the street and found a group of boys standing next to the convenience store. I recognised them and quickly walked over.

"So only six of us?"I asked.

"Yeah,"James said. " just remember don't be too frightened and pee there."

All of us burst into laughter, except one person.

We didn't talk for days. And I thought it was getting worse.

He kept his eyes away from me, even when others were calling for him.

"So let's go!"Tris cheered.

We made our way to the haunted house. It weren't too far from my house, so in case of accidents , I could just run back and call for help.

It was a extremely old house. The owner must have left it here for over a century.

James pushed open the gate and we walked in. He turned the knob of the door of the house and it cracked open. I felt Alan shook a bit as the sound was a bit insane.

"So, everyone of you get a torch?"Connor asked. He looked over the five of us and found Brad, carried nothing at all.

"I've got an extra one,"I said as to be kind, giving him a torch wasn't that hard for me.

I handed the other torch of mine to him. He looked up and said nothing, gently took it.

"So let's split into groups..."suggested James. "Connor and Tris you two come with me. And the rest of you be a group. Is that ok?"

No one hardly gave a response to him so he just carried on.

"Brad, we'll stay at this floor. You may go to the basement,"Tris said.

"Okay," he answered. It was his first words over minutes.

So we walked down the stairs, heading to the basement. I let him be the first one as I needed to be with Alan. He was a bit too timid for ghosts.

"Ugh,"he mumbled as he stepped on something sticky.

He pointed the torch on it and it was something green and disgusting.

We quickly got over it and headed on.

There's a room in front of us and he turned the knob and opened the door.

He got in first and then me and Alan.

But when I turned back and looked for Alan. He wasn't there.

It was too late when I realised that the door was shut behind me and I couldn't open it.

Literally piece of shit.

"Brad,"I said, breaking the silence between us.

He looked at me without any expression written on his face.

"We're stuck in here."

He then walked towards me and I quickly shifted away from the door, letting him to try over it. Well, he failed as well.

That was the moment when I felt the anxiety was building up.

I sat down near the door which I was totally hopeless at.

He didn't say anything and he just sat next to me.

We just sat like that for more than ten minutes in silence, though it wasn't awkward at all.

I tried to break the silence.

"Are you angry at me?" I asked.

He then looked at me.

"Nope, just because you slapped me? I'm not that stingy,"he replied.

Part of me felt better but I afraid if he was just trying to keep me worry less.

And this time he's the one who spoke first.

"Do you ever hate me?"he asked. With my torch on, I could see there's sadness in his eyes.

"Well...at first yes. Now I'm not hating you,"I opened up.

"Are you sure we're just gonna do a deep talk here and waste the night to wait for people to rescue us?"I asked, wondering want we could do next.

"I don't know. But it's what we can do now,"he shrugged.

I thought he relaxed a bit as there's less tension on his expression.

I looked into his eyes as he was. And I felt there was a connection between us. It started building something, which I wasn't sure for.

That was the moment I knew that I actually got feelings at him.

His hazel eyes were sparkling under the light of the torch, which drove me in like a magnet.

He lay in and I knew that he was going to kiss me, which I didn't reject.

He bent down and gently put his lips on mine. His lips were soft and it perfectly fit mine. I couldn't stop myself as I put my hands on his body, rubbing through it. He held me down as I lay on the old carpet, his entire body on mine. I pushed him towards myself as I was seriously in love now. He smelled so good as I could smell his scent just in that short distance. And he started pulling off his leather jacket as I let him to, putting his hands on my hips, and my body. We held the kiss for minutes, and he released it slowly at last.

"Well, I didn't know that-"he started.

I put my finger on his lips.

"Well, I also didn't know that,"I said. I was pretty amazed by myself.

"You can't put yourself against the feelings,"I said."I thought you hated me too. At the beginning,"I added.

"No, it wasn't like that. I just thought that you were the kind of normal girl who always wish to make a perfect and good impression in front of boys and to act fake just to win attention. But you weren't, you're completely different,"he admitted shyly.

"I thought I hated you, because you were sassy and always like teasing others, but it wasn't like that. That night when we're on the rooftop, after the concert. That was the first time I found your beauty and gentleness as you were asleep , which you hardly even showed it before. And from days on, I found it hard to get my eyes away from you. You got all of my attention,"I explained.

He laughed for a while and continued with his brummie voice,"I thought you love Alan."

"Nah, he's just my bestie, since we were small,"I added. "We're used to go to school together."

"But...Shawn?"he carefully spoke the name out.

"Just ex, completely no relationship now,"I insisted. "Although he was still trying to bother me."

He nodded as he understood that.

So he bent down again and kissed me again, and suddenly the door opened and someone was outside.


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