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Alice's P.O.V

I thought that I smelled bad when he just moved away from me.

He was just pretending to be cool.

I didn't have to give a damn about it.

"So...Napoleon was a very famous national hero of France as you all know,"said Miss Garfield.

She was my favourite as she was really so kind and every time when she smiles, I can clearly see the dimple on her face.

My face was filled with admire.

"So...Could anyone tell me more facts about Napoleon?"she asked, she looked around the class, searching for somebody to answer.

And then she spotted Brad almost fell asleep.

I nudged him and he just shook a bit.

"Jesus, what are-"I stopped him using my finger as Miss Garfield was looking at us.

I put down my finger and faced at her.

"How about Brad?"she grinned at him.

Brad stood up nervously and he nudged me as I would give him the answer.

I crossed my arm and pretended that I didn't notice that.

"Sorry, Miss Garfield, what's the question?"he asked.

I chuckled.

He glared at me with his eyes wide open and he just turned back to face the teacher.

"We all know that you fell asleep, Brad,"she laughed."And you look so cute when you're sleeping,"she teased.

The whole class was laughing at him.

He grabbed his hair and his face went red.

He did looked cute when he grabbed his hair and smiled.

Oh, was I flirting with him?

Of course not, he's so hateful.

"Okay, so anyone else could help Brad?"she was still laughing.

"Umm....Alice? Can you help him?"she named me.

I stood up.

"I just know that he's really short like...the hobbits,"I joked.

"Then do you know his height? I mean the exact one,"she asked.

"Around 1.69 metre,"I chuckled when I read it out loud.

"A good try,"she said."But you should know that there's no big difference between 1.69 and 1.7."

The whole class laughed as we all knew that Brad's only 1.7 metre tall.

"So you should be glad sitting next to a hobbit,"he satirized.

I couldn't stop myself from laughing as even the teacher teased him.


Brad's P.O.V

It was really bad in history. Really really bad.

The whole class was laughing at me and even the teacher teased me.

I wished I would have somebody nicer than her sitting next to me.



"She said that Napoleon is hobbit and actually Napoleon is 1.69 metre tall. So I am just taller than him for 1 centimetre,"I shrugged.

The boys laughed.

"So from now on, thanks to Alice, you've got a new nickname,"Tris teased.

"And it's Hobbit,"James continued.

"Hey, Hobbit,"Con chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and continued my lunch.

"Let's play a game,"James said suddenly.

"Truth or dare,"he suggested.

"So let's use this spoon as a spinner,"he put his spoon at the centre of the table.

And he just spinned it.

It pointed at me.

They all looked at me with evil in their eyes.

"Okay, so dare," I shrugged.

"Um...maybe you go over that table and kiss that girl,"Tris suggested as he pointed over a table somewhere next to the canteen.

All of our visions followed his finger.

It was Alice.

"Boy, good luck,"Con said as he laughed.

I was pranked, seriously.

I put down my lunch box and walked over to her.

"Kiss in the mouth, remember!"James shouted far away from me.

I grabbed her arm, pushed her to the wall and I kissed her lips.

I whispered in her ears,"it's just a prank the boys did on me. Don't take it personal."

Then I ran off and left her there, still startled and unsure of what actually did happened.

Now the whole school was looking at me and her.

I went back to the table and sat down.

The boys looked at me with amaze.

"Why are you all looking me in that way?"I asked as I put a fork of spaghetti into my mouth.

"Brad..."James said,"if it's another girl, I don't think that you'd do that..."

"Sorry, it's we,"said Connor,"are you falling in love with her?"

"Of course not, shut up,"I murmured as I  munched the food.

"It's like ever since you met her, you do smile more often..."Tris said.

"C'mon, why do you guys like treating me as a patient with depression?"I looked up at their faces.

"Nah, we're just gonna say,"James stopped and they all said together,"WE'RE HAPPY FOR YOU, LITTLE BEAR!"

I laughed as I remembered the pain that I had just experienced.

"So are you guys just celebrating now? Though I am still single?"I joked.

"Kind of, we're all happy for you, dude,"Tris said as he wrapped around my neck."especially after what you've been through."

I sighed as I put my fork down.

"Just forget all about it,"I said.

I still felt the sadness at that moment when she's gone.

I gasped. Sometimes people did looked like they don't care about anything but it's actually because they've been hurt before and they just didn't want to put themselves into the bad mood so they just pretended to be care less, but they actually didn't.

I was lost in my thoughts so when Alice approached us, I didn't realise that.

"What was that for?"she questioned with her hands on her waist, glaring at me.

I looked at her,"I did just say that it was a prank they did on me, don't take it serious."

She frowned as I continued the chat with the boys. 

"If you really got someone making a prank on you, don't you know to resist?"her eyes were wide open.

And I was actually a bit scared of that.

"Well...if it weren't you,"I grabbed my hair and felt my heart was actually pumping at a high rate, she actually heard that as her face gone red, bloody red.

She put down her hands away from her waist, looked at me with no expression.

 And she's gone.


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