Chapter One

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The woman was standing there with the pink paper in her hand and glaring. Hermione Granger was livid. She had given this company everything, and now her boss was dismissing her. Kingsley had his hands folded over his desk, and a look of apology was on his face.

"Hermione, it isn't your fault. The board decided that they are going a different direction and family was their choice. I think it is the worse decision they have ever made, but they will have to live with that. I am more than willing to give you a shining recommendation for other companies if it pleases you." His voice held his regret.

She sighed heavily, and her head swayed. "Of course, thank you, Kingsley. It has been a pleasure working with you."

"The package they are giving you is great," he murmured, and she agreed.

"Well, no use dragging this out," she said standing up as she tucked the pamphlet under her arm. "Thank you for five good years."

Kingsley rose from his chair and walked around his desk. He reached for her and embraced her. "I will email you with updates. I know they are going to regret doing this." He whispered, and she choked on a laugh.

"You better, you know that I cannot wait to hear them begging for my return," she murmured, and he stroked her hair.

"They will, just give them time. They don't know what they are missing."

The goodbye was stiff once their embrace ended and she closed her eyes as she went to pack up her things. She was blind-sighted. She had no clue they were going to let her go due to some arsehole's son moving up. It was the biggest mistake they would ever make. Glancing around, she sighed as she grabbed the box she reflexively packed. What was she going to tell her son?


She was sitting down on the park bench next to Harry Potter. He had just gotten off of work and Ginny suggested taking them all to the park. The young redhead was out at the playground with the children while Harry was giving his friend a heart to heart. She had worked so hard only to be tossed aside; the man knew she needed someone trustworthy to speak to her.

He was rubbing her shoulder as she exhaled slowly. "We won't be struggling, but things have been so hard, Harry. Now, I have to find a new job? How is that even going to prove stability to Teddy?" Hermione expressed, and Harry snorted.

"You are the most stable person I know, Hermione. You have given him so much."

She exhaled slowly and bobbed her head. "I know, but still. I am not sure how to tell him."

"He's eight years old. Tell him you are taking a holiday before starting a new job."

"I promised him when I adopted him, Harry." She paused and scrubbed her face. "I promised always to do the very best I could. Unless I find another job soon, I cannot keep paying for his private schooling."

Harry pinched her side. "Stop, you dunderhead," he hissed with a smile. "I will help if I have to, you know that. Remus made us both godparents for a reason. Secretly, I think he knew you would end up with Teddy if anything happened to them. You are the only woman who could handle Teddy's strong will and obsession with books."

Hermione shook her head and leaned against him. "Harry, you have two children. You worry about them. Hogwarts isn't cheap. At the alumni party, I will schmooze and see if Oliver or Cedric knows of anyone sniffing around for expertise such as mine."

They sat silently for a moment, and the children started to run over to them. Teddy was in the lead with his teal dyed hair almost glowing in the summer sun. He had begged Hermione for the last two years to dye his hair, and she finally agreed. She knew it was because of stories of his mother. Different colors all the time and a sassy attitude that made you love her more. He did have more of Remus's disposition which made her relieved.

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