Chapter Thirty-Six

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The appointment was pretty simple. Hermione went in had her vitals checked, and the technician was chatty with Draco. She flipped her hair several times before prepping Hermione which only made the woman tense. The man couldn't see, he listened to the sounds from the machine as the flirty tech prodded and poked Hermione.

"So, you aren't from America then?" Sarah, the ultrasound tech asked Draco.

Hermione hemmed. "We both are from London," she said a bit firm.

Draco leaned down and kissed Hermione's forehead. "Yes, we are," he replied tenderly.

Sarah bristled a bit as she focused on the screen. "Well, looks like you are looking good, Miss Granger," Sarah declared with a forced smile.

"I have been warming her to the idea of Mrs. Malfoy, but she told me that I needed to make a proper proposal," Draco growled, and the technician laughed.

"Well, she has a point, Mr. Malfoy," Sarah responded and pulled her tool from Hermione's body. "The doctor will be in momentarily. I am sure the nurse went over the procedure and what is going to happen. Good luck and I will see you in a week!" she said while taking off her gloves.

Hermione exhaled and rested her head on the bed. "Now, for the waiting," she sighed, and Draco grabbed the chair nearby where he set his cane.

He sat down, his face next to hers and he stroked her hair. "Do you comprehend how proud I am of you?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"No, but you can show me later," she murmured.

The doctor soon came in, and the procedure started officially. It went well for the most part and nothing significantly different than what was explained. A female assistant came in to help him, and Hermione was put through the discomfort of poking and prodding before it was through. The assistant was running a machine over her abdomen and frowned suddenly.

"Doctor, I think you need to take a look at this," the woman said, and it made Hermione look up over her gown.

The specialist, Dr. Martez, glanced at the screen that faced away from Hermione. The woman watched the doctor's face turn from quizzical to shock. He looked down at the assistant and then at Hermione.

"We are going to take a few more ultrasounds, and then we will talk in my office, alright, Miss Granger?" Dr. Martez declared. "I am going to get the paperwork together. I will see you in my office. Everything looks healthy," he said evasively and left the room.

"He sounded nervous," Draco declared with a frown.

"I swear to god if he put the wrong sample inside me. I am going to force him to get poked by an ultrasound rod," she growled, and the assistant giggled.

"You know, I wouldn't think that would hurt as much as a rough tussle with me, love," Draco teased, making Hermione scoff.

"Draco, I will push it into your dark recesses and twist it about roughly and see how you like it," Hermione snickered. "Plus the woman doing it was up for it with you if I have ever seen it."

Draco laughed hard and sighed. "I didn't notice. I was too worried about you," he replied with a bright smile.

"Don't be a prat; I know you noticed it," Hermione sighed and he groaned loudly.

"Granger, I am here supporting you put a baby in your belly, and you are telling me some tech girl is trying for my trousers," He mumbled, and the assistant laughed.

"Well, Miss Granger, we have all the pictures, and the Doctor will see you shortly if you want to get dressed," she told them and left swiftly.

Draco tilted his head back and frowned. "Are they all acting weird?"

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