Chapter Eight

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Hermione was flustered after their walk to the stables. Draco was such an arse about things, and he embarrassed her in front of Teddy. He told the boy that he needed a father to teach him all of the boyish things. How dare him! She was doing the very best she could. Hermione sent him to a boy's camp and had for the last four summers. Two weeks camping and doing boy things.

Now she was standing in front of four exquisite swimsuits, and she couldn't feel more affronted. She doesn't wear these things! Why was she even entertaining this? His excuse was bland. Zabini was coming over with Marcus who was bringing his twin girls. There was a knock at the guest room door.

"Helen?" Narcissa called through the door.

Hermione turned and opened the door. "Yes?"

The matron's expression was empathetic. "Can I help you? I brought you some wraps. I know what it is like to feel a bit more conservative about what to wear."

Hermione stepped aside, and Narcissa came in with a bundle of clothes. "I- well- I am not used to this," she admitted and the older woman nodded.

Narcissa frowned at the suits and sighed. "My goodness, my son might have lost his sight, but his tastes have not changed. Miserable and flashy," she grumbled.

The women went to work and decided on a throw that went over the simple black suit and looked very appealing. When Hermione came out of the bathroom, Narcissa clapped and giggled. "That looks lovely and tasteful. Do you feel comfortable?"

Hermione glanced in the mirror and smiled with a nod. The suit peered through the peach dress and really brought style to the holy garment. "Thank you so much," she murmured, and Narcissa nodded.

"I don't want you to feel mortified around those boys. Draco may not be able to see the vulgarity of a small suit anymore, but they will tease you mercilessly."

Hermione exhaled and bobbed her head. "I didn't even want to do this," she admitted, and Narcissa bowed her head.

"I know, but I don't remember the last time my son had voluntarily taken time off of work since his accident. I would say it isn't very professional, but this might be the start of his real recovery, Hermione," the older woman responded.

Hermione gazed wide-eyed at her. "You knew as well?"

"Yes, of course, I did. My cousin tells me everything," she declared and waved her along. "Let's go have this dip in the pool. I won't go in myself, but I will dawdle with my plants out there."

Hermione followed Narcissa down the stairs quietly and absorbed what she had said. It was down a long hall and passed a windowed gym with weights, a few machines, and a yoga ball. She could smell the familiar scent of the pool before they reached the large door. When the Malfoy opened it, Hermione gasped. It was absolutely spectacular.

The massive pool was surrounded by curved natural stone. It had a waterfall to the side of it where a spa overlooked the estate through windows. The sunlight peered through the ceiling with decorative skylights that looked to open. Hermione noted the metal at the top of all the windows, which was likely to seal it off in case of storms. To her left, she saw the smaller pool where the Anguis were chatting and drinking from bottles.

"Mum! Look it's magical!" Teddy shouted from across the room.

He dove into the pool, and she clapped and smiled. "Very good," she called out when he surfaced.

Two blond girls followed him into the water and Hermione stifled a giggle. They might have been around Teddy's age, and she thought it was cute that the girls were laughing and trying to get his attention.

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