Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hermione was in a shower and enjoying the relaxing feeling of being clean. She skipped joining them on drinking and enjoyed mellowing out for her night. Her hair was in dripping wet ringlets around her shoulders as she reached out for her towel, wrapping it around her body after drying. She used a smaller one on her hair until she felt it was dry enough and went to get into some pajamas.

Something was missing. Actually, everything was missing from her room! She did not have a stitch of clothing, and all the bedding was removed from the bed. Hermione was furious as she stomped from her room and up to Draco's floor, knowing exactly who did this. She heard the laughter from the office and marched inside.

Flint was lounging in the chair at the desk, and Draco was in his usual spot. "Where are my clothes!" she spat.

Marcus chuckled. "We forgot the towels, Malfoy."

Draco held up a glass. "Come, have a drink, Granger," he declared, and she folded her arms over her chest.

"Draco Malfoy, you best return my things to me at once!" She shouted, and he swayed his head.

"Not until you play a game, Hermione," Draco replied with a smug smile.

"What game?" She said through her teeth.

Flint cleared his throat. "It's called ten reasons, and that is my cue to leave. Good night, Granger. Have fun," He responded before rising from his chair. "Night, Malfoy." He declared and patted the blond on the shoulder.

"Thanks for your help. I will see you tomorrow before the party," Draco said and waved.

Flint left but not before winking at Hermione. "What is the game, Malfoy," Hermione snapped.

He chuckled and pointed to the empty chair. "Sit."

The woman groaned and reluctantly sat down across from the blind man. "Now what?"

"We play," he responded as he handed her a glass of champagne.

She begrudgingly took it and glared. "What are we playing?"

"Ten reasons why you shouldn't sleep with me. I will counter with ten reasons why you should, and if you can't find them false or incorrect, you sleep in my room with me tonight." Draco told her before sipped his glass.

"You are my boss," she said flatly.

"Fair, but not absolute."

"You had an opportunity and didn't take it," she hissed, sipping her glass.

"The day after Charlie broke up with you. Try again," he retorted with a wave of dismissal.

"You are an arsehole," she spat.

"I will give you that one."

She paused and thought frantically for more reasons. "We are always fighting."

"Foreplay, Granger, try again," Draco responded, then drained his glass.

"What about tomorrow?" she was grasping at straws.

Draco scratched his beard and shrugged his shoulders. "What about it?"

"We have a formal dinner, and I shouldn't be promoting any of this with my boss," she reminded him and his brow furrowed.

"Granger, what is bothering you about all of this? You are running yourself in circles to try and find reasons, but I fail to see any with merit." Draco murmured gently.

"I worry you will grow bored of me," she sighed and rubbed her face with her free hand.

"Never going to happen. You want to know why?"

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