Chapter Nineteen

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Hermione stirred with a groan. Her eyes hurt and she had a headache that pounded against her. The woman ran her hand over the soft sheets and sighed. Where was she? Opening one eye she could see the curtains were open and the edge of the trees out by the pond. Chancing a look around, she lifted her throbbing head and saw she was in one of the guest suites.

On the edge of the bed was a set of clothing laid out for her. A beautiful purple blouse and pair of slacks with a card. She crawled gingerly over enough to grab the card and read the note. 'Something nice for you, Granger.' That was friendly. Friendly. Yes, she repeated that a few times in her head. Hermione frowned to herself and mulled over the note.

A flash of a heated kiss in the bathroom brought her to mortification. She had straddled and kissed Draco? What happened? Leaning in a hallway... groping... Oh, no. Was she- did she remember or fantasize his teeth on her neck? Cupping her hands to her face, she groaned and shook her head. Glancing down at her clothing, she noted the sizeable gray t-shirt she donned instead of her dress. Did she sleep with Draco Malfoy?

Deciding to forgo the formality of dressing, she climbed out of bed and stretched sorely. Her mind was going over the horrible ideas that she may or not have committed. If she did indeed shag him, she was no better than the girls she used to turn her nose up at. If she didn't, well, she was pathetic for coming on so strong to the different orbit of a man. Shameful. Couldn't contain you drink, Granger? You think even without sight, I'd still shag you? She couldn't stop the spiteful snickers of her boss in her head.

Hermione groaned and shook her head as she tightened the drawstrings on the black pajama bottoms she wore. They were too big, and she had to cuff the bottom of them before she left the room. Her head was killing her. She rubbed her forehead a few times before descending the stairs and fumbling toward the dining room.

Narcissa was sitting with Teddy and Draco at the table. "Oh, no, seems someone is quite knackered this morning." She giggled, and Hermione groaned.

"I don't really remember after we sat down in the drawing room. Did I do anything abhorrent?" Hermione questioned.

She went to sit down next to Teddy and Draco snorted. "Absolutely nothing, you were dull." He spat then sipped his tea.

"Nothing happened? Not even by accident?" she investigated further.

Narcissa glanced over at her son and then to Hermione. "Did something happen?"

"No, nothing happened," Draco reiterated, and Ramsey came from the kitchen.

He was setting down plates and set a small bowl with pills down for Hermione. Hermione swallowed down the pills dry as Ramsey set down a large glass of water for her. "Thank you, Ramsey."

"Master Malfoy, Mr. Flint said he would be outside in two hours waiting for you," Ramsey declared, and Draco waved at him.

"Thank you, Ramsey," he responded, and the butler disappeared.

Hermione ate her food quietly, and Teddy started to yammer about everyone he was looking forward to seeing. She would nod and answer as expected, but Hermione was not entirely up to par. The woman was relieved when her plate was empty, and she excused herself and headed up to the suites.

Teddy followed in a happy fashion as he skipped up the stairs. "And I cannot wait to tell them about Cousin Draco and his superpowers."

"That's lovely, darling," Hermione said as they opened the wing. "Now, go get ready, and we will get your trunk down the stairs. Mummy needs a shower and some clean clothes." She finished and leaned to kiss him.

He gave her a peck on the cheek. "Alright mum, I will be ready soon!"

She was happy the medication Ramsey gave her started to work and her head wasn't so foggy. Hermione stripped off the clothes and groaned at the wonderful feelings of being nude. It had been such a long couple days, and she missed quiet moments in bed with Charlie. Charlie. Her sadness peaked and twisted.

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