Chapter Six

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Hermione was sitting across from him on the patio and glancing down at her book. She was nibbling between pages and Draco listened silently as she fidgeted. Her foot tapped lightly against the ground as she sat and the rustle of pages was every few minutes. He finally couldn't stand the silence. "What are you reading?" he asked as he tapped the table with his fork.

"A book on gifted children development," she murmured, and he could hear the restraint in her voice.

"Does it bother you that his father left you both?" Draco mused, and Hermione glowered over at the clueless man.

"He is adopted," she snapped, and Draco's eyebrows traveled toward his hairline.

"Did you go to an orphanage for gifted children and steal him?"

Hermione groaned and slammed her book shut. "No, his parents died, and I was his godmother. He wasn't even two years old," Her voice was sharp.

He could sense there was more to the story but let it go. "That's nice of you," he noted, and Hermione snorted loudly.

Thankfully, her soon to be outburst was quelled when her phone rang. It was a tune Draco wasn't sure he remembered from, and she cleared her throat. He heard her move from the table and walk a distance away.

"Hey, lovely, how has your day been?" she paused and sighed. "Oh, it has been super. Everyone is so nice, and it is the best job ever." Her voice was light, even if she was feigning. "Did your uncle give you sugar again? You are bouncing off the walls." The woman giggled, and he could hear the distant muffling of a child talking.

Draco turned his head and listened more to her inflections as she strolled the patio. "Oh, yes, I will be home for dinner, I promise. I will even stop by the shop and grab the fixings for your favorite."

"I promise. I love you to the moon and back, my darling," she sighed, and there was another pause before he heard her walking back to the table.

"Kelly, you are a good mother," he said quietly, and she snorted.

"Oh, sod off, I hate sarcasm," she snapped, and he frowned.

"I was honest, but if you want to be so abrasive," he growled and reached for his glass.

"Thank you, Draco," she responded, her voice gentle and almost breakable sounding.

He scowled as he swallowed his iced tea. "Why are you so crispy?" he inquired after setting the glass down.

"Can we focus on keeping a healthy working relationship?" she asked, and he couldn't figure out why her tones were familiar at times.

"Certainly, but I don't imagine we will avoid my need to boss you around," He declared with a half-smile.

Hermione frowned and folded one of her legs over the other. "You may not know this, but I am quite self-sufficient without someone ordering me around." She retorted, and a throat hemmed behind her.

"Malfoy, who's your friend?" Marcus declared as he approached the table.

"Ah, Flint, you are early. Marcus Flint, this is Helen Kelly. Miss Kelly, Marcus Flint," Draco declared before forking the last of his lunch in his mouth.

Marcus approached Hermione and smiled as he shook her hand. "Pleasure to meet you," she murmured, and his smile evolved.

"Aren't you a cute lookin' thing. I thought Draco lost his sight, but apparently not if he is hiring such a pretty woman to work with him, side by side," He teased, and her cheeks grew pink.

"I assure you, I am far meaner than I look," she retorted and Marcus chuckled.

"You would have to be to work with him," Marcus declared and sat down next to Draco. "Now, why did you tell me that she was good looking, mate?"

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