Chapter Seven

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June came to a close, and Hermione found a less complicated routine with Draco Malfoy. July was a warm glow of opportunity and pleasant weather. They would sift through his emails and agenda before lunch. He was starting to educate her on his role instead of just barking orders. She was less steely and more receptive to his business savvy. After lunch, he would do his sessions with Marcus or make phone calls while she went through his old financial information and stored or disposed of it all correctly.

Two weeks and they had developed an understanding. Well, Hermione hoped it was an understanding after what she was going to have to do. She wasn't sure how it would be received. Ginny had to run her parents to doctor appointments, and Luna was too busy at the zoo to take Teddy. Hermione was cringing as she tapped her hand on the steering wheel as they traveled on the road to the Malfoys.

"Are you looking forward to going back to Hogwarts in a couple of months?" she asked, and he gasped with a nod.

"I am so glad Headmistress McGonagall is going to let us play polo this year. The horses seemed so sad we didn't play last year." Teddy murmured, and Hermione swallowed.

"You sound like your daddy. He always loved animals and books," she replied, and he smiled at her.

"I hope so. Do you think we can go visit mother and father this weekend?" He asked softly, and Hermione nodded slowly.

"I suppose it is time again. We haven't visited them in a long while. Maybe you should write them a letter today so that we can put it with the flowers this time?" Hermione offered, and he gave her a single nod.

"I love you, mum. You are so good to me," he responded while beaming at her.

"I love you most, Teddy Bear," she replied as they pulled into the driveway. "Now, you know the rules, love. Don't ask Mr. Malfoy questions about his condition. Don't interrupt us working and try very hard not to be too loud." She murmured as they sat in the car for a moment.

Teddy smirked and bobbed his head once, "Right."

"That's a good boy," Hermione responded and unbuckled herself. "Let's go to work."

Hermione grabbed her purse and his backpack while Teddy was glancing around. "Mum, this is a big house," he said with wide eyes.

"It is. Mrs. Malfoy loves to hear about how pretty it is, make sure to let her know," she told the boy and opened the door.

Ramsey was walking down the stairs when they came into the house. "Master Malfoy is finishing preparing for the day, Miss Kelly. He will be a few minutes still," he announced, and she nodded. "Would you like me to bring tea up for you and your son?" he asked as he landed on the ground floor.

Hermione bobbed her head once again. "Please, Ramsey."

The butler disappeared with a quick motion. "Mom, is he a robot?" Teddy questioned, and Hermione giggled with a head shake.

"No, he is a butler. Sometimes people with big houses have someone who helps them make food and clean up. Like Batman," she explained.

"He acts like a robot," Teddy said again with a frown.

"Miss Kelly," Narcissa's voice entered the room.

Hermione turned to her and chewed her lip. "I didn't have a sitter today. Kingsley didn't mind during the summer when I didn't have one to bring him with me. I hope you don't mind. He is a respectful boy and won't touch anything I promise."

Narcissa's wonder melted into a kind smile. "You must be Edward. Your mother speaks fondly of you all the time," she said moving to greet the boy.

Teddy held out his hand. "My name is Edward Remus Lupin. Everybody calls me Teddy," he announced and Narcissa giggled and shook his hand.

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