Chapter Five

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Hermione exhaled and straightened her suit jacket. It was far too warm for a suit jacket, but she wanted to feel professional in whatever environment she was walking into. The house- no manor- was more substantial than she expected. Her eyes traced the mountainous building and gulped before tucking her laptop back underarm with her purse in hand.

The garden in the front of the house was breathtaking with bright flowers and a giant willow tree. She couldn't believe that it was so beautiful. Part of her mind couldn't register that someone so cruel could grow up in such a lovely home. Her heels clicked on the stone walkway as she approached the entrance to the house. The woman timidly knocked with the colossal brass knocker and waited patiently.

The door creaked open, and a towering man in a gray suit stood there. "Good morning, you must be Miss Kelly." The dark-haired man declared, and she nodded, holding out her hand.

He gazed down at her outstretched hand with an arched eyebrow. "Yes, well, it is a pleasure. Come in," he declared and stepped aside.

The entrance hall stunned her. It was dark in comparison to the exterior. It made her think of a rotten apple that was cored out by a worm. Still lovely on the outside, but tangled and dark within it. The black and white tile was pristine, and there were fearsome pictures of people hung near the hallway. A bright chandelier hung from two floors up and really made it seem like something from Tim Burton if it was not for the window bringing in rainbow light from the crystal tears that hung.

"Master Malfoy is not dressed for the day yet; Lady Malfoy will be here to give you the tour momentarily." The stiff man told her and left her awkwardly in the angry room.

Hermione chewed her painted lips and took a few steps to the side to peer down another corner. She saw a door partly open and noted vast bookcases. Her heart sped up, and she quirked a small smile at the idea that she might eventually be able to read some of the volumes.

"Miss Kelly," A feminine voice entered the room.

Hermione turned the direction of it and smiled. "Mrs. Malfoy, it is lovely to see you," she declared, and the older woman arched an eyebrow.

"You are prettier than Regulus expressed to me," she said with a shrewd tone.

Hermione turned pink and cleared her throat. "Well, thank you. You are beautiful as well," she replied awkwardly, and the older woman smirked.

"Come now. I am going to show you the house. You will rarely be without an escort, but it just takes one wrong turn to be lost in this house." Narcissa waved her to follow.

They walked toward the library, and Hermione bobbed her head and listened to the minor amount of history the woman was expressing. She followed the graceful Malfoy through the bottom floor and took notes mentally on where to find things. She glided out to the patio and waved her hand at the overwhelming view.

"My heart and soul," Narcissa declared, and Hermione gasped.

Before them, was a lovely flower garden with many different types of roses and other beautiful and bright flora. The trees lined the side and from beyond was a large pond with white feathered birds singing. They were gorgeous and almost ethereal looking. "Ah, yes, our prized white peacocks. It gets cold for them in the winter, so I have my handler make sure the pens are ready in the fall." Narcissa said, and Hermione blinked at her a few times. "They were my husband's favorite," she finished with a forlorn look out at the birds.

"They don't go far?" Hermione questioned, and Narcissa shook her head.

"No, they have everything they need here. Come along. I must show you the upstairs. You will be working mostly up there," the Malfoy murmured, and Hermione nodded.

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