Chapter Twenty

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The drop off was melancholy, and she was quiet in the van on the way back to the manor. As if her maternal instinct was kicking in, Narcissa was already outside when they pulled up. Hermione thanked Flint and climbed out from the back while the men were talking about trivial things.

"Come on darling; I already called out for the dose of cheering up you will need," Narcissa said as Hermione climbed the stairs.

"Cheering up?" she inquired.

"Yes, Hermione. Whether you see it or not, your son leaving does affect you. I was always so lost when Draco would leave for school. My little baby, gone for three months at a time. It was taxing on my nurturing heart. I would have had more if it wasn't for the doctor's advisement against it." Narcissa replied as she ushered the young mother inside.

Hermione's phone rang, and she paused as she looked at the name. "I have to take it; it's Ginny." She told the Malfoy.

The phone connected, and Ginny hemmed. "Hermione, are you coming over? I know you are sad about Teddy leaving and Charlie." She jumped in right away.

"Yeah, maybe when I get on that neck of the woods. I am still at the Malfoys," Hermione declared.

"You can always invite your friend over. I am sure my girls would not mind adding another to our pampering session." Narcissa offered, and Hermione arched an eyebrow at her.

"Narcissa is seeing if you want to girl's day," The curly-haired woman relayed.

Ginny snorted, and the phone crackled. "Hermione wants to get mannys and pettys today. Can you watch the kids?"

"Gin, I don't want to have to watch the kids all day by myself," Harry sighed from the other end of the phone.

"He is such a prat sometimes," Hermione sighed.

Narcissa put her hand on Hermione's shoulder. "Tell the Potters they can come bring the children. I am positive Draco wouldn't mind the company."

Ginny heard that and gasped. "Two days in a row, I think my kids would about keel over from swimming so much. I suppose, what the hell, they start school tomorrow, so it will be good to get summer out of their system. I only have James for a couple more years before Hogwarts prep."

"You want to go revisit Malfoy?" Harry inquired, and Hermione laughed.

"Yes, now would you grab the kid's suits. Hermione and I are having girls' day, and you are stuck with Malfoy." Ginny growled at her husband, and Hermione gave an apologetic look to Narcissa.

"Fine! Goblins, fall in line, we are going to Uncle Draco's again," Harry snickered.

Hermione had to pull away from the phone from her ear at the children screeching, causing Narcissa to stifle a giggle. "Hermione," Ginny started, and Hermione placed it back to her head. "We will be over in half an hour."

"I love you, drive safe," Hermione replied.

"I love you too, girl. See you soon," Ginny said and hung up.

Narcissa clapped and smiled. "Good. I am glad. We can enjoy a bit of luxury before your long work week starts."

"Having a lady's day?" Draco's voice entered the space, causing Hermione to jump.

Narcissa hemmed. "Yes, I think Hermione could use it. It is hard to let go of a child. Even if it is the best middle and upper school in the world, it is still terrible to see them go." She sighed and approached her son. "I cried every year."

Hermione sighed and rubbed her face. "It doesn't help that he was able to go early because of his intelligence. My son is so brilliant is it scary. The teachers at Belford were baffled by him. McGonagall approached me to have him take the preparatory classes a year in advance. He is gifted, and she has been helping him excel."

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