Chapter Thirty-Four

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It was unusual for Draco. She didn't act as if they were together once they had left her house. In fact, it nearly killed him that she went back to this friendly, but distant creature he was acquainted with. They were walking up the steps to his house when he heard Teddy had opened the door. The boy had run off to find his great-aunt, but Hermione led Draco to his cane before letting go.

Draco reached out and grasped her arm. "Granger, is something wrong?" he inquired softly.

Hermione made a sound of disagreement. "No, why would there be?"

"Well, for one, you are acting like last night didn't happen," he hissed, not successfully hiding his dejection in his voice.

"Oh, I didn't want Harry and Ginny to ask about anything," she grumbled and cleared her throat. "And I would prefer it if your mother doesn't find out, Draco. To be honest, I don't know how much staying power you have, and I would hate to wrangle my son into this," she finished, and he pulled his hand away from her like she was hot coals.

"You said all the things you did last night for what?" he inquired, clenching his cane.

"I do love you, so much, but until it is crucial, I would much prefer not to belt it from the rooftops, Draco. Last time we made the mistake of rushing the world into our business. This time, I would like to take my time. I have a child to worry about and if all goes well, a baby." Her voice was gentle, but he could hear the pain laced into it.

"You don't make this easy, Granger. How am I supposed to prove to you that I am here for the long haul?" He growled, and he felt her hand touch his cheek.

"Well, that's something for you to figure out, Draco. Just because we had mind-blowing sex that was influenced by our love and affection doesn't mean I am going to marry you tomorrow. Grant it, it was choice, but if you love me as you say, then prove that I am right for giving you my heart. I can't walk into this blindly," she murmured then kissed his lips gently. Hermione pulled away from the stunned Malfoy and sighed. "I am going to see what your mother is up to," she announced and his frown grew.

"I will follow momentarily, I need to collect myself," he grumbled, scrubbing his face.

She knew it was a horrible thing. The idea that everything was seal with a lovely bow and given was his creation. Hermione loved him more profound than she had ever expected, but the pain of something as simple as his ability to lose interest had occurred to her. In fact, the doubts that he understood the gravity of what he said to her last night seemed to rake her brain. Her confession was out; he knew she loved him. Now, she was scared beyond belief that her belly was exposed and the knife of reality was going to gut her.

Hermione had entered the dining room and took in the occupants. Regulus was sitting with Narcissa and Severus. They were gazing down at a few photo albums, and Teddy was looking at the older pictures. Regulus caught sight of her and gasped. "Ah, Hermione, come, come! I had found some of the old family albums at Grimmauld Place and wanted to show them off. You will get to see my brother when he was cuter than he was spirited."

The young woman walked around the table and glanced at the old album. There was a picture of two boys standing politely in front of their parents. She reached out and ran her fingers over the older boy and his doe-eyed expression. The only contradiction to his innocence was his thin lips. "How old were you boys?" Hermione asked as she pulled away.

"Oh, I was seven here, and Sirius was eight," Regulus told her and smirked. "He had just told my mother off, and that is why my father and mother look so wretched in this picture. I do miss him... he was so different than the rest of us. Today marks the last day I saw him alive. Thirty-three years ago today."

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