Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hermione was waiting at the station with Ginny, Harry and their kids for Teddy. So many things had happened that it would be nice to see him. Nice to be reminded that she was still the hero he thought she was to him. Missing Teddy had been worse than she ever thought it could be, but that wasn't everything was it? She told herself it was indeed.

The train hadn't arrived, and Ginny exhaled. "How are you feeling? Your medicine causing any side effects?" she asked, and Hermione shrugged her shoulders.

"Nothing out of the ordinary that the doctors told me about. These hot flashes in a snowstorm are about near killing me," Hermione grumbled and fanned her face.

"You are going back when Teddy goes to school again?" Harry asked, and Hermione nodded.

"I will find out in the next week if the sample took. They had to treat it carefully due to the time," Hermione murmured, and the train whistled in the distance.

Hermione didn't see the couple standing next to her after a moment. A voice cleared, and she glanced over to see Marcus and Daphne. He smiled at her and Hermione tucked her hair behind her ear before turning to them.

"Hello Hermione," Marcus said, and she smiled.

"Hello, Marcus, Daphne. How is everything?" she asked gently.

Marcus shrugged his shoulders. "Pretty good. We have been helping Astoria with the Weasleys and her pregnancy. How was your New York trip?" he replied.

"Eventful. New Yorkers are very odd people," she murmured and fanned her face again.

The man smiled and touched her shoulder. "I am glad you enjoyed yourself. You are too smart to waste away, Granger."

"You are wickedly brilliant, Hermione," Daphne agreed with a single nod.

Hermione smiled and wiped her brow with her jacket. "Well, I am glad I have fans. Regulus was impressed with me and plans to make better use of me now that we have returned."

Daphne leaned closer as the train approached. "Are you sweating? It is freezing," the blond remarked.

"Just hormones," Hermione murmured, and the train whistled.

Marcus thinned his lips. "Hermione, what do you mean better use of you?" he asked cautiously.

The woman shrugged her shoulders with a small smile. "I don't even know. He told me that on the flight home."

They ended their conversation as the kids started piling off the train. Hermione glanced around and saw the faded teal-haired child follow two blond girls off the train. She jumped up and waved excitedly as he tugged his trunk toward her.

"Mum!" he shouted and closed the gap, releasing his truck so he could jump into her arms.

Hermione started to cry as she held him tightly. "My Teddy Bear, I missed you too much!"

He squeezed her and kissed her cheek. "Mum, you are so pretty. I forgot how beautiful you are," he sighed as he touched her cheek. "How was America? Did you see the biggest apple?"

Hermione laughed then kissed his cheek. "The city is called the Big Apple, and I did. I saw the city and got to see Lady Liberty. I even got to see a show on Broadway." She told him, and he giggled.

"Wow, that sounds so fun! Are we going to go there sometime?" he inquired with big eyes.

"Maybe on a future holiday. I have so much to tell you," Hermione whispered and pressed her cheek against his. "I missed you so much my bones hurt."

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