Chapter Eleven

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Hermione was driving her car, and Draco was running his hand through the wind outside the window. Her phone went off, and she gulped and sighed. "Draco, can you roll up the window I have to take this," she said, and he did as she requested.

"Hi, Mum!" Teddy said as the call connected.

"Hey, lovely, are you alright?" she asked, and he made an agreeing sound.

"Aunt Ginny told me to call you before bed and then give her the phone," he said over the speaker, and she snorted.

"Your Aunt Ginny is funny," Hermione responded.

Teddy had shuffled the phone and caused cracking over the speakers. "Mum, do you think I can come to work with you next week?" he inquired, and Hermione exhaled.

"Probably not, darling. I have tons of work this next week. I will ask Mr. Malfoy and Mrs. Malfoy if you can come swimming sometime soon."

"Maybe we can have Uncle Harry's birthday party there!" he suggested, and Hermione cringed.

"Let's take about that later, okay? Did you brush your teeth?" Hermione asked, and Teddy snorted. "Edward, how much did I tell you grand-mum and grand-da told me how important teeth are. You know if they were in London they would be upset you didn't brush them."

"Yes, mum. I will brush them," he said, and she smiled and laughed.

"I hate doing it too, but teeth are important. Else you will be eating a lot of soup."

Teddy giggled loudly. "Okay, mum, I love you, here's Aunt Ginny," Teddy announced.

"I love you to the moon and back, Teddy," she said, and he agreed before the cracking sound was heard. Hermione turned to Draco and whispered, "I'm sorry," she finished, and he waved her off with a small smile.

"Girl, what are you doing on the phone, shouldn't you be knees deep in bad decisions? I wanted something juicy to talk about tomorrow."

Hermione blushed and cleared her throat. "The date turned into a work dinner. Draco is in the car with me, and I am driving him home. He has been made aware of my alias," Hermione declared with a firm voice.

Ginny groaned loudly. "Hi, Malfoy. Hermione, what the bloody fuck is wrong with you? We say go on a date, not work on the weekend," She spat, and Hermione squeezed the steering wheel roughly.

"Hello, Mrs. Potter," Draco responded, and Ginny snorted.

"I will let you berate me at mum's tomorrow. For now, let's just call it a conducive evolution of the night." Hermione said, and Ginny laughed.

"You are bloody something, Hermione. I am going to call Viktor to come out and visit. Something," Ginny snickered, and Hermione sighed.

"Gin, tomorrow, let's not embarrassed me further please?"

Ginny made an agreeing sound. "Alright, I will give you a pass tonight. Mostly due to the fact that the boys are now trying to build a bubble castle in the bathtub and Albus is going to be the victim. I will see you tomorrow, love."

Hermione laughed and spoke. "Give them a kiss for me and tell Harry I love him. Love you, Gin."

"Love you too, Hermione. Malfoy, don't fuck with her tonight," Ginny warned and the phone disconnected from the speakers.

Hermione was turning onto the driveway before she voiced. "I am sorry, I don't usually like talking on the phone in the car with someone else in it, but my son is an exception."

"And your vociferous best mate?" He asked, and Hermione stifled a giggle.

"Yes, Ginny, she is a different kind of woman," Hermione replied as the car parked.

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