Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Hermione glanced up at the large farmhouse and exhaled. Draco tilted his head and waited a moment for her to gather herself. The Malfoy frowned at her silence and rubbed her shoulder in support. Her arm wove into his, and she nodded.

"Well, now or never, Malfoy. Are you ready to out yourself?" she asked causing him to chuckle.

"We don't have to do this. We could always go back to my place and climb into the spa... let me undo that suit," he sighed and rubbed his face.

She tugged him slightly and opened the fence. "Let's go. The sooner we do, the easier it will be."

"Alright, but only because you insist."

They walked to the door, and she opened it to see Ginny and Harry sitting with Arthur and George. Hermione noted that Arthur frowned gently at their approach and George folded his arms. "Bringing work home with you on the weekends, dumpling?" Arthur questioned carefully.

"No, dad, this is a social occasion," Hermione replied and sat Draco down with her on the loveseat. "Did you want something to drink?" she asked him, and he nodded, shifting his glasses.

"Whatever you are having will be fine," he declared, and her hand ran over his shoulder before she left.

"Did you end up going to her flat?" Ginny asked, and Draco bobbed his head.

"Very clean. I could have run a gloved hand on her counter, and the glove would be dirtier than her flat. I don't know how that woman does it. I am sure when Teddy was growing up, she was yanking out her hair while cleaning messes." Draco mused as he scratched his bearded chin.

"You would be surprised. I went over there one day when Teddy was four or five. They just got the flat, and they were finger painting on some plastic. She was covered in glitter and paint, so was he. If there is anyone who is all about letting children be who they are, it is her." Harry declared, and the sound of agreement came from someone else.

"She is a good mother. I was hoping she would have more, but she is independent, much as she always has been." Arthur sounded.

"I like Teddy. I don't usually like children, but he helped them grow on me. Convinced I am a superhero, funny enough," Draco sighed and lounged. "I actually miss him."

The weight of someone sitting next to him and gentle fingers caressing his hand stirred him from his thoughts. "Here, I figured some water is due," Hermione declared, making Draco smile broadly.

"Yes, I suppose that is true. We were talking about the amazement that is your son," he told her.

Hermione hemmed, and he felt her shift. "I heard. I miss him too. He has been my companion for so many years that last year it was hard enough to let him go the first time for so long. I think I cried for two weeks when he first left. It has just been him and me for so long." She sighed, and Draco moved so he could reach for her shoulder.

"It's alright. A couple of months and he will be back for Christmas, don't fret."

Hermione watched the two Weasley men examine their interaction. "You are quite friendly with all your bosses, Hermione?" George asked suspiciously.

"No, just me. She likes that I will listen for hours about some random book about a girl and the fundamentals of subtle writing," Draco spat with a smile.

Hermione groaned and nudged him. "You were listening with deep intent. Don't even act like you weren't."

The door sounded, and Hermione's face dropped as Fred and Astoria came into the house. "Darling!" Astoria declared and walked over behind the love seat.

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