Chapter Thirteen

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Charlie was tapping his hands on the steering wheel as he was driving and listening to the radio. Hermione was checking her emails on her phone and Teddy was waving his fingers along with the music. She was especially stressed today. Her car's transmission died, and now she was on the hunt for a new one. Luckily, Charlie has been attached at the hip... in some cases quite literally.

"Thank you for driving me to work today," she said with a smile over to him.

Charlie smirked and chanced running his hand over her hair. "Not a problem, sweets. You do your boss lady thing today, and I will be by tonight. We will get your car situation squared away this week."

They had a comfortable- friendship? No, but a relationship was stretching it. Their problem with getting serious was difficult. He was due to receive orders any time in the next month and quite possibly would be stationed in another country for a while. He wanted more; she did not. The last thing she desired was to have a man pining for her overseas while he could have any woman he very well chose. Ron begrudgingly flung that in her face when they were caught snogging in the bathroom last week at dinner.

"Did you know that Mr. Malfoy has superpowers, Uncle Charlie?" Teddy inquired, and Charlie laughed.

"Really now? I will have to meet this bloke then."

Hermione sighed heavily, and the Weasley glanced over at her. "Feeling alright? He isn't mistreating you, is he? I have no problems beating up a blind man if he is hurting you."

"No, he is being professional." Lie.

"Alright, but you let me know if he acts out. I will sucker punch him." Charlie announced and Teddy giggled.

"Draco Malfoy is nothing but professional," lie again. "But I will tell you, Hero," she said with a smile – she coined calling him Hero after he saved her shoe from under the bed as a joke, it just stuck now.

"Always, sweets. You are too tasty to be sad," Charlie replied and pulled her hand to his mouth to kiss it.

She adored Charlie. He was tender. Protective. Loving. All the beautiful things that anyone would want. However, she was concerned with his departure, and that kept her heart guarded.

They pulled up the driveway and Charlie whistled. "Holy ballocks, this place is huge. Mum would go insane with frustration at the amount of cleaning this house must take."

He parked next to the red Cadillac who's to Hermione's disgust, Astoria was saying goodbye to Draco. Hermione glanced back at Teddy and smiled. "When you drive by pop your head out and say hello to your Great Aunt Cissa, alright?"

"Love, come around and say goodbye to me?" he asked with a smirk as she unbuckled.

Hermione snorted and rolled her eyes. "Alright, Hero, I will take the bait."

She climbed out of the car and opened the back door to kiss Teddy goodbye. "You behave for Uncle Charlie and no more punching him. Just because he says he's Wolverine doesn't mean you don't hurt him." Hermione kissed her son's forehead. "I love you more than all the stars, Teddy Bear."

He hugged her around the neck and sighed. "I love you too, mum. See you after work."

Hermione shut the door and rounded the car to Charlie's side. His window was down, and she leaned in. "So what did you want to-" he pressed his lips to hers, and she moaned gently as his fingers ran through her hair.

Her fingers traced his jawline over his facial hair, and she smirked when they parted. "I just needed a sugar high before I dash off." He said with charm, and she laughed. "Five sharp?"

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