Chapter Sixteen

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Things were strained up in the office as Draco went to check on Hermione. He knew that they spoke and they sounded light as they said their goodbyes to Teddy, Severus and Narcissa. However, there was something in the air. Draco couldn't place it as he fumbled around the office.

"No, we can send that today," she murmured into the phone as she tapped away on the keyboard. "Well, the sooner, the better I would assume. Not to stress, we will have its signature and sent out."

He listened to her shift in her chair, and he could hear the difficulty in her movements. "Yes, expect it within the hour. Goodbye," she finished, and the phone was put down a little rough.

Draco pulled his chair in the direction of the desk. "What's wrong?" he asked as he sat down at the corner of the desk.

"Nothing, just going through the motions, Malfoy." She mumbled and her fingers tapped at the keys.

"Granger, if anything, it is not work that is causing you strain," he declared, and she exhaled.

He felt her lean closer to him. It wasn't anything distinct, but almost like a human sense. The presence of someone entering your personal space. Draco could practically imagine her examining him. "Why do you think I want more kids?" she asked him, her tone was low.

"Why wouldn't you want more kids? You are a phenomenal mother. You are intelligent, and so quick it is scary," he declared, rubbing the side of his face to hide the heat in his face.

"Thank you for the compliment, Draco," she said, and her fingers brushed his hand on his knee. "You are going to make an excellent father."

"Yes, well, that remains to be seen." He muttered before clearing his throat. "Seems Charlie will come around and be a pretty good dad, hm?"

Hermione's hand pulled away, and she shifted. "Well, he is a great uncle. Teddy loves him," she remarked, and the sound of key clicking filled the room.

"Do you?"

Hermione snorted and stopped her typing. "That remains to be seen. He is a good man but, we may want different things."

"If he asked you to move to the next station with him and Teddy, would you do that?" Draco inquired in a timid voice, and Hermione huffed.

"Now, that was never talked about, Draco. He wouldn't have asked me that, he knows I won't uproot Teddy. Plus, who is going to keep you productive?"

Draco bent toward her and reached out for her arm. He touched her shoulder, and she jerked. "Hermione, you know we can talk about this. I feel like it is my fault."

"It isn't. I just don't talk about it with anyone. When I took Teddy I decided that he was enough," she said, but her voice wasn't convincing.

"Alexis, what time is it?" Draco declared.

"The time is one twelve pm," Alexis responded through the speakers on the desk.

"Granger, take lunch. You go see what Weasley is doing outside, alright?"

Hermione's dress rustled. "I have to send this out and then I will," she grumbled.

Draco's hand reached out and touched her thigh. He wasn't expecting to grab her there, but by her twitch, neither was she. However, she didn't swat at his hand or move it. "Draco?" her voice was shaky and low.

His fingers caressed her bare skin before pulling his hand away. "My apologies, Granger. I couldn't see where your arm was," he snickered with a smile.

He was stunned when her hand went to his face. It was gentle, and then with a sudden movement, she smacked him with a slight amount of force. He growled and snagged her arm in his hand, and he yanked her closer to him. "Now, that was not polite, Miss Granger."

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