Chapter Thirty-Five

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Christmas blew by like a soft snowfall, and New York was approaching. Draco hardly was able to convince the woman to visit, let alone see him... but that wasn't her fault. Her crazy family was running her an insane amount — typical Weasleys. Charlie and Harry had helped her move to Draco's disappointment, but only out of personal torture. He had offered to hire her movers, but she declined. The fierce woman planned on spending the night before their plane trip, but he still wasn't sure about her feelings after the last two weeks.

His mother went into town to take Teddy out shopping, and he was in his office going over reports. The building was on a skeleton crew during the holidays, and he wasn't about to ask Hermione to take time out of her holiday to drive him to work. He needed to do something with his time because he couldn't figure out how to help the situation.

Hermione had arrived earlier while waiting for them after her doctor's appointment. She was in a mood which only made him broody. The woman was keeping something from him, and he hated it. She never lied to him or hid anything significant... but this felt agonizing. So he made himself as busy as he could so he wouldn't pry with her being so on edge as it was.

As fate would have it, she came into the office. He could smell the familiar scent of the new perfume her 'son,' gave her for Christmas. Her heels thumped on the floor as he was reading his notes.

"Draco, need anything? I brought you some tea," she murmured.

"No, I am alright," he grumbled and she huffed.

"I already apologized several times for not being here during the holidays," she said approaching him.

He tossed his paper on his side table, his brows knitted. "What am I to you, Granger? You say you love me and you are affectionate when we are alone, but you are standoffish at best when I try to touch you," he snapped, and Hermione exhaled slowly.

The clattering of the teacup on the table was loud. Hermione's hands landed on his shoulders. "Draco Malfoy, do you always have to be so frustrating? I didn't want to tell you, but I gained weight, I feel gross, and the last thing I want is you to touch me and feel as disgusted as I do. I can't even imagine how I am going to feel in three months," she whined, and he snorted.

"Really? You are worried about a little holiday weight and bloat from hormones?" he asked incredulously, and she tried to pull from him, but he pulled her into his lap.

She squirmed as he touched her and rubbed sides. He could feel her weight gain, but did not find it displeasing; he actually thought it felt a bit more attractive. Her arse was well rounded, and he gripped it firmly as she straddled him. "I have to disagree with your opinion, love. You feel very nice, even more, so I believe," he whispered and pulled her closer.

She puffed and pressed her forehead to his shoulder. "Draco, what if I can't do this? What if I can't be a good mother or I lose the baby again?" she sniffled against him.

"Hey," he said softly and cupped her cheek, making her pull from his shoulder. "You are going to be well taken care of, I promise. If that means I have to come and stay with you at your house, I will. You aren't going to do this alone."

She coughed on a sob. "Draco, you mean that?" she asked softly.

"You tell me whatever you want me to do; I will do it. If that means you need me to take a taxi to the shop at two in the morning, or you need me to rub your back, I will do it for you. I know you don't want to live here, so I will have to come to stay with you," Draco declared, caressing her face.

Hermione leaned against him and started kissing his lips feverishly. "You mean it?" she whispered, pressing her forehead against his.

"I will do whatever is in my capabilities to do, and whatever I cannot do because of my lack of sight, I will pay whatever money it would cost to get it done. You want a specialist to visit you at home? I will find the best. You want me to learn each and every board in your home so if you need me to get you a cup of tea at five in the morning. I will do so. I am not going with you because I have any investment or strategy by it. I love you," he said, and she ran her hands over his cheeks.

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