Chapter Fifteen

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The workday hadn't even started, and Hermione was already exhausted from talking. She got a phone call at six in the morning, from Regulus. He needed her on the horn and calling different department members about a possible loss of paperwork. She had her tablet out and her phone to her ear as she was in the car. Charlie and Teddy were quiet as she worked.

"No, I said it was a W-034D8. That's Warner dash zero, three, four, Dickens, eight," she paused and huffed as the man on the other side dug.

"Miss Granger, it was filed a week ago," he told her, and she exhaled in relief.

"Thank goodness, fax it over to Mr. Black and Mr. Malfoy. Also any other files with it, please? While you are down there, can you make sure that anything regarding Monotel is sent to my work email please?" Hermione questioned and the man hummed.

"Yes, Miss Granger. That shouldn't be a problem. However, the filing is very under par since Mr. Malfoy hasn't hired anyone to take care of them in a year."

Hermione groaned loudly. "Alright. I will be in Monday. I will also inform Mr. Malfoy of such and try to get your department someone to handle that."

"Of course, thank you, Miss Granger. You have probably been the most competent one Mr. Malfoy has had working on his end with him in a long breath." The man declared, and Hermione stifled a laugh.

"That's what they pay me for, Mr. Goldstein. I look forward to meeting you in person on Monday."

"Have a great day and a fantastic weekend." The phone disconnected and Hermione breathed.

"My god, I thought I was going to have to hunt for that all day," she sighed, and Charlie rubbed her shoulder.

"Mum, you are so good at your job," Teddy chimed in, and Hermione giggled.

"Thanks, Teddy. I really do try," she declared, and Charlie smirked.

"Today is going to be a long day, you best hydrate," he teased and her cheeks tinted.

It was a long night. A pleasant one, but long and she wasn't ready for the Friday chaos so early this morning. "While Uncle Charlie is working on the car, did you want to see if Aunt Cissa will have breakfast with you?" Hermione asked Teddy who nodded.

The truth is, Narcissa has been asking to have Teddy spend the night for some time, and Hermione hasn't had an excuse to say no. She was nervous to say yes, but not because she didn't trust the woman. Mostly it was the cementing that would happen if she agreed. It would mean that no matter who she worked for, or what she did... the Malfoys would always be in her life. Breakfasts, lunches, possible outings and even a shopping trip would be stressfully acceptable, but if she agreed to a night, she would imprint them in their life for good.

They pulled into the driveway, and Hermione put her gadgets away in her bag. Charlie unbuckled and slid from the car with ease, followed by the hyper child. Hermione slowly ambled from the vehicle and shouldered her bag. Her phone went off again, and she dug for it. She let out an audible groan as she saw Regulus's name.

"Granger," she announced as she answered.

"Miss Granger, you impress me yet again with your promptness. I wanted to call and thank you for your efforts. I have received the paperwork and had one more favor of you." Regulus declared, and Hermione's lip twitched.

"Yes, sir?"

"Can you escort Draco into the office this next week? We are closing out this merger, and I need him present with his brain. That's you, Miss Granger. It would delight me to no end to make sure the board knows of your work on this delicate transition." Regulus finished and Hermione bit down on a bright grin.

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