Chapter Seventeen

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The unusual sound of different voices filled the houses as he poked his cane around and listened for the turn to the pool room. He wanted to go and listen to all the children playing in the water. He wasn't dressed for a party as his trunks rustled against his skin. The shirt he picked out was plain... all in all, he was going to just take a backseat for entertaining.

His cane prodded the door, and he smiled as he opened it gently.

"Uncle Harry! Look!" a small voice shouted.

"Look me too, dad!" another declared.

There was splashing and then giggling. "Draco bloody Malfoy," a soft voice murmured as he entered the room. The talking around the pool quieted, and he felt a small hand on his arm. "Would you like to me walk you over to where we are sitting? Its Ginny Potter," she announced, and Draco nodded slowly.

"Thank you, the pool has never been easy to gauge for me," he replied as she slowly tugged him along.

She led him over toward the other end from what he thought was the edge of the pool. His cane soon hit the stone with a thud, and Ginny's hand pulled him down on the stone bench. "Who am I sitting with, I cannot see," he said and pulled off his sunglasses. There were gasps, and he stifled a smirk. "Harry Potter?" Draco inquired.

"Yes, Malfoy. Ron is here as well as Lavender and Fred," Harry's voice entered the space.

"Ah, good, the start of a good party," Draco snickered.

"Draco Malfoy, you best behave yourself," Hermione's voice sounded across the area.

Draco jerked and smiled. "Is she wearing the dress I bought her?" he asked in a whisper to where Ginny sat next to him.

"The green one?" Ginny questioned.

Draco nodded as he heard footfalls approaching behind him. "Good afternoon, Granger. Did my mother show you the garden yet?"

He felt a hand touch his shoulder. "Yes, it is lovely, thank you." Hermione murmured gently.

"You're welcome. Where is your boyfriend? I wanted to show him my theatre," he declared, and she laughed.

"He is out in the garden with his mother and father. Your mother is giving them the tour." Hermione replied, and he smirked.

"How she loves to show off. She is such as my father said. A beautiful white peacock," Draco sighed, and Hermione hugged his shoulders.

"I am going to get something to drink. Did you want something, Malfoy?"

"A glass of that Moscato my mom has for the party please?" He questioned.

"I will be right back. Try not to embarrass yourself," Hermione warned as her body pulled from him.

He heard her footsteps fade and a voice cleared. "So, anyone notice her eye-fucking a blind man?" Fred snickered, and a snort followed.

"Shut up, Fred. She is shagging our brother." Ginny snapped.

"Oh, are you sure she wasn't just trying to figure out which one of you is going to fling curse words at me first?" Draco retorted, and someone poked his back. "Which child is poking me?" Draco asked.

"It's me, Cousin Draco. I was wondering if you would show James your cool superhero eyes?" Teddy's voice sounded, making Draco turn to it.

"Blimey! Can you really read minds?" another child asked.

"Minds!" a second child shouted.

Draco ducked closer to where the children's voices came from. "If I can, you best behave. I might tell your mum you were planning on throwing your cousin Victoire in the pool when she gets here." He hissed, and the boys gasped together.

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