Chapter Thirty

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Draco was idly tapping his cane on the edge of the sofa as he hung his head off the bottom. His knees were tucked over the top, and he was humming to himself. He didn't mind the thumping that played in a decent beat to the song. The music in his head was causing him mayhem as it was. He heard footsteps and then a knock before the door creaked open.

"Son, we have a guest for the night," Narcissa snapped.

Draco stopped and arched his eyebrows. "A guest or a friend?"

"Family. Now at least ask Ramsey to clean that gruesome fur off your face," Narcissa growled and the door shut.

He knew she had every right to be frustrated with him. Draco hasn't been very kind to her lately, and he wasn't exactly confident how to fix it. It all was circling the fucking drain, and no amount of guilt would change that. He was worse than his father; everyone he loved he has hurt.

He moved his cane so it thudded in front of him on the floor and he tapped it, listening to it hiss against the carpet. It was a grounding sound that helped him square down the song replaying in his mind. He was mumbling along to the song until he remembered the last bit of lyrics.

"I cannot blame this on my father

He did the best he could for me

And it's been a while since I could hold my head up high

And it's been awhile since I said I'm sorry..."

He finished and paused his cane as he heard footsteps outside the door. "Draco, can we speak?" Hermione's voice asked carefully as she entered the room.

Draco fumbled and nearly toppled himself off the couch at the abruptness of her appearance. "Yes- well- what is it, Granger?" he hummed as he righted himself on the sofa.

She shifted, and he could hear a shyness he wasn't used hearing. "Draco, can you please do me a favor? Teddy is spending the night, and I want you to," she paused and exhaled. "Please don't hurt his feelings, alright? He idolizes you," she admitted.

"Oh, yes, of course, Granger. I love that kid," he said and rubbed his face.

"I appreciate it. He is the most important person in my life," She told him, and the sound of her rubbing fabric was audible.

"I know. Anything else?" Draco asked, hoping that his eagerness was in his voice.

"Your mother mentioned your facial hair and her horrible dislike for it. Well, I could help you with it," she murmured.

He frowned deeply. "What?"

"She asked me to see if I would offer considering you are not a fan of another man doing it," she declared and shifted again.

"Why are you doing this?" he inquired tapping his tool on the floor.

"I want to make this easier. It is clear my son loves you both deeply. If I do end up going through with my next adventure, your mother is going to be relentless. Shall we at least be cordial?" her voice was nervous, and he bit his lower lip.

"Okay," he said quietly.

Her breath was let out with relief clear on the air. "Okay, good. That is good."

Draco stood up, and they made their way from the room. He could hear his mother doting on the child down the hallway as they approached the staircase. It was sweet and light on the air as the boy was going on about Christmas. Hermione was silent aside from her footfalls as she fell into step behind him.

He wasn't sure what to say to her. He hated himself so much lately that her instant change in attitude was alarming. They went inside his wing, and he heard Hermione hesitate a moment. Draco twitched his lips and hemmed as he found his way into his bathroom. "I assume you aren't going to kill me, correct?"

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