Chapter Fourteen

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Hermione barely saw Draco that day which was odd. He usually hovered and made her bend backward for him. It was almost pleasant as she got to spend time going over the finances of the new company they were about to absorb at the turn of the year. She had started making her own notes and number crunching involved with the absorption. Draco never complimented her work, but he never scolded her for it either... she would take the prior to the latter any day.

The woman checked the screen and yawned. "I wonder if Charlie is here yet," she murmured to herself as she noted it was five minutes to five.

Cleaning up the desk and fixing the furniture, she closed off the office. Her limbs were tired, and she wanted to soak in the tub once she got home. Descending the stairs, she glanced around and heard it. Teddy's laughter. It was coming from the dining room. So the woman walked through the creepy hallway to the location of her son.

"Draco, you are too funny!" Teddy exclaimed with a clap.

The woman was taking in the scene. Narcissa, Charlie, Teddy, and Draco were all sitting at the table. Draco was making utterly stupid faces at the boy. Charlie was chuckling and sipping on a glass of what could have been iced tea. Andromeda was writing on a piece of paper and smiling at the child's happiness.

"Good evening, Granger," Draco said with a bright smile.

Hermione glanced at him and then Charlie. "I see you have met," she remarked quietly.

Charlie slapped Draco on the shoulder and chuckled. "This guy, you didn't tell me you worked with a moron." He snickered, and the Malfoy scowled.

"I like to consider myself Intelligently Challenged, Weasley," Draco retorted and Hermione bristled.

"You both, you're getting along?" she asked before chewing her bottom lip.

"Sure, we were trading work-out regimens. Flint has him on one tight routine. Some of the stuff I am going to have to put into my own," Charlie declared and then she saw it.

They were indeed more similar than she thought before. That made her stomach turn. "That's lovely. I am glad you could get along with him. Someone needs to," she said with a dismissive tone.

Draco snorted and flung his hand in her direction. "You are a party pooper. Speaking of parties, Charles, you are going to escort her to the birthday party we planned for her, aren't you?" Draco asked, and Charlie chuckled.

"Of course, Malfoy. Someone has to bat her fans away," Charlie responded, and Hermione smiled.

"I don't have fans, Hero," she responded and finally sat down next to Teddy's free side.

"Hero? He gets a nickname, but your boss doesn't?" Draco asked with a scowl.

"Mum calls you dunderhead, is that a nickname?" Teddy was trying to keep up with the conversation.

Narcissa snorted and stifled laughter. "That indeed is a nickname, Edward. Maybe not the one he was looking for." She murmured and put down her pen.

"Dunderhead?" Draco asked in an accusing tone.

"Among other things," Hermione sneered, and Draco chuckled.

"Fair enough," he responded while scratching at his chin. "Weasley, do you know how hard it is to see if she is joking without sight? I am sure she has helluva a poker face, however."

Charlie barked laughter and shook his head. "She has the worse poker face, Malfoy. I would take her for her money and knickers if we played."

Hermione pursed her lips, folding her arms. "Charlie, I am a darn good poker player, thank you."

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