Chapter Three

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Hermione was completely stressed out as she sat in the lobby. Ginny couldn't pick Teddy up today for her meeting, and she could not find a sitter, so that left her with little recourse. The boy was sitting on the chair and swinging his feet as he read a story. Summer camp was starting next week, so she knew it was going to alleviate some of it. Things had been hard for them since Andromeda passed away, but the boy was resilient in ways she didn't understand. They would adapt as they always had.

The building itself was formidable with its giant screens and gadgets lying about. They were up on the tenth floor, and she was curious to see how far the view would go. However, she did not move as she sat there with her portfolio and laptop bag. Hermione wasn't sure what she should be prepared for, but it couldn't be easy.

"Miss Granger, Mr. Black will see you now," the woman at the desk told her.

Hermione hemmed and erected herself. "Now, you just behave when we go in there. You are charming, but I need you to be quieter than a mouse. Alright, love?" she whispered to the child who pulled his book to his chest.

He nodded and kissed his forehead before taking his hand. They walked together through the double doors and sitting at the desk was a sight. Regulus held so many features like his brother it was irrefutable that the man was indeed a Black. Blaise was sitting at the desk across from him and waved.

"She brought the boy," he snickered with a smile and Hermione huffed.

"I had a last-minute cancelation on my sitter. He will be quieter than stone, I assure you," she declared, and the boy nodded before sitting in the chair off to the side.

"Miss Granger," Regulus said with a polite smile and offered her the seat across from him and next to Blaise. "Mr. Zabini had shown me your resumé prior to your arrival. Color me impressed," he finished, and she beamed.

"Thank you, I have worked very hard for the knowledge I have obtained," she declared, and he nodded.

Regulus leaned back and folded his arms against his chest. "I noted such. However, there is something you need to know," he started, and her lips thinned. "I want to retire soon, and I don't see myself handing over the company to someone who isn't qualified nor not part of its origin. That is why Draco Malfoy is so important. That being said, his lack of sight is a hindrance, to say the least. That is where you come in, Miss Granger," he finished and arched an eyebrow.

"Oh, how might I ask?" she inquired, and he smirked; a replica of his late brother.

Blaise patted the table and smiled. "We need someone to be his seeing eye dog, Granger."

She frowned and Regulus waved his hand lightly. "He is insufferable, but a hard worker. We need someone to trust with his work, Miss Granger. The other- girls, Mr. Zabini, have hired did not have the credentials you do. You know what it takes, and we are willing to see how far you can go with it." Regulus responded, and Hermione chewed the inside of her cheek.

"You are telling me this because you do not want me to leave then. Once it seems like I can do the work you want to sign me in on contract." She said flatly, and Regulus nodded.

"Precisely. It may not, and you may want to leave after two weeks of working with Draco, but I can offer you much more than just income for your time and efforts. If you can help my cousin get through the delicate balance of his lack of sight, we can do wonderful business together."

Hermione folded her legs and leaned in the chair. "You are buying me off, Mr. Black?" she questioned with a small curl to her lips.

Regulus bent over the desk and raised an eyebrow at her. "I could, but that isn't business now is it?"

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